Staging is a term that we use a lot in the real estate market. If you’re a buyer or a seller and you’re wondering how that applies to YOU, stick around and let’s talk about how staging can help a house put its best foot forward, figuratively speaking of course!

Does this bedroom look lived in? Or, does it look like a dream come true?

Staging to Sell

You might be thinking to yourself that the idea of hiring a professional company to stage your home for sale is a preposterous idea. You might be right. Sort of. The market here in Los Alamos is almost certainly a seller’s market. But even in a seller’s market when there are buyers lining up to get a peek at your house before you’ve got the sign fully planted in the yard, staging could still be the difference between having a bidding war that gets you top dollar and just selling your house.

Now. If you’re not interested in hiring a pro to fully stage your home for sale because you’re still living there and your stuff is still necessary for your day to day activities, there are still some things that can be done to make your home really shine.

Buyers Buy Space Not Stuff

You’re moving, remember? Pack your out of season clothes and store them somewhere else. Let your closets look emptily huge because let’s face it, we don’t have a ton of closet space in the Los Alamos area and whatever we do have needs to look amazing! That goes for any built in drawers, cabinets, or other spaces too. Staging is all about space. Space is inviting. Buyers want to be invited. Therefore, help your home by showing off every single room to its spacious advantage.

Make Them Envision Themselves At Home in Your Home

The other part of staging is doing everything that you can to make that buyer want to live in your home. Leave a folded newspaper on the coffee table with a tray that makes it look as though someone is about to sit and enjoy a fresh cuppa. The kitchen should be clean and ready for the preparation of a gourmet meal. The entire set up of furniture should encourage flow. Flow from one room to another. Encourage your potential buyer to wander through your space in a way that invites them to imagine their idyllic life if they should purchase your home.

Your Grandkids are Cute, but Not Helpful to Buyers

It’s been proven time and time again that photos and personal items are a distraction. You want any potential buyers to keep their mind on your house. The beautiful space, the light, the spacious rooms, the amount of storage, those hardwood floors you just refinished, whatever your home’s selling point, don’t let buyers get distracted by your family photos. Remember, you’re selling the house, not your stuff. So all of the things that make it uniquely yours have no place in someone else’s fantasy.

Buying a Staged Home

Now, when you’re on the buying end of that staged home, please don’t forget that you’re buying a space and not the furniture. Remember that your stuff is going to be taking the place of that beautiful lounge chair in the cozy reading nook and likely all of your kitchen gadgets will be cluttering up the countertops.

This is not to say that you’re not to love the idea of a quiet morning cup of coffee on the deck staring out across the valley at the Sangre De Cristos. You can! But take a look around when you walk through a beautifully staged home and focus on what they’re trying to get you to focus on. The space. Take that opportunity to picture YOUR stuff in the rooms. Imagine how well you and your personal items would fit. That is what you’re trying to discover. Right? A new place to call home.