Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: Los Alamos Winterfest

Winter Holidays in Los Alamos!

As I sit in my snug home on this amazing snow day in December, I got to thinking about just how incredibly cool it is to live in Los Alamos. Snow days mean getting closer to the Pajarito Ski Mountain’s opening day, which has been moved up to Friday December 15. It means ice skating and sledding and all of the cool things to do and see in Los Alamos County through the winter.

With that in mind, I wanted to give you a few tips regarding winter activities you won’t want to miss!

First of all, it’s a snow day. If you haven’t discovered the amazing sledding options just off the Bayo Canyon trailhead as of yet, I encourage you to check it out!

Parking at the Bayo Canyon trailhead is tricky in the best of weather. Just past the roundabout at the end of Diamond Drive, you head up the steeper road toward North Mesa and the Stables. There is a small parking area off to the left as you go up. Very few cars can fit in there and the snow makes it trickier. Some folks opt to park on the right side of the road on the wide shoulder, but with snow that’s not as easy as it sounds! There is a park at the top of the hill on the right side with several parking areas. This is likely a safer option for parking and once you cross the street, there’s a pedestrian path that goes down to the trailhead. Once there, some of the geography of the canyon makes for a snow tube like sledding experience!

Ice Skating is ALWAYS a hit! But this year, the LA Ice Skating Rink has taken it up a notch with two amazing events.

December 23 is Skate with Santa from 3:30 to 5:00PM

From the Winterfest website: Santa always takes time during his busy holiday schedule to visit the ice rink. He is bringing his elves to greet boys and girls, and hand out candy canes! Santa and his elves will pose for pictures on and off the ice.

$2.50 for ages 5 & under
$6.50 for ages 6+
Includes skate rental and admission.

On December 24, the rink is doing it’s annual Luminaria Skate on Christmas Eve from 5-7 PM. How crazy cool is that? Get the kids and get out for a fun holiday tradition. Check out the County webpage HERE for more information.

Of course, no Holiday would be complete without a concert or two. This weekend on December 16, the Los Alamos Community Winds is presenting their holiday concert at 7 PM at the Crossroads Bible Church. Please visit their website for more information. Honestly, does anyone else love listening to live instrumental music this time of year? The especially unique thing about the LA Community Winds Holiday Concert is that they invite anyone in the community to contribute. Student groups, amateurs, professionals and all with a holiday theme of some sort. It’s an opportunity to see just how talented our community is!

Whether or not you generally attend a Christmas Eve service or not, our Ashley Pond light display is something to behold. Please get out and enjoy the beautiful lights paired with this gorgeous snow!

If you are interested in attending a Christmas Eve service, you might try the outdoor service held at Ashley Pond on December 24 from 4:45-5:30PM. Freedom Church sponsors the event complete with candles, music, and the magic of the season! Get more information at www.ChristmasinLosAlamos.com.

If you’ve got any great memories of sledding, skating, and enjoying winter in Los Alamos, leave them in the comments or post them on my Facebook Page! I’d love to hear from you! And when you’re ready to buy or sell your dream home in Los Alamos, give me a call! I’d love to chat with you!

Holidays in Los Alamos

I know. You’re thinking to yourself that it’s ONLY the very beginning of October. You don’t want to think about how many shopping days are left before Christmas and you REALLY don’t want to think about the kids being off school for the holidays either.

But come on. Let’s be real. We are ALL looking forward to the end of 2020. Why not focus on one of the seasons that is by far a GREAT thing about living in our community. If there’s something that Los Alamos does well, it’s the holiday season. And I’m here to tell you that Covid hasn’t changed that. Promise.

Monster Madness and Big Time Munchies!

Oh yes. Los Alamos Halloweekend is ON! Scheduled for October 29th through the 31st, the Arts Council has us covered, Los Alamos. Get the full schedule of events HERE. But what I can promise you is that while things are going to look a little different than they have in past years, we are still going to have a Pumpkin Glow, a Scarecrow Contest, and of course, Trick or Treating in the Main Street District. This year will be Monster Munchies to avoid the crush of humanity that we’ve all become accustomed to for Trick or Treat Main Street. Grab a hanging bag or two of goodies from an obliging tree on Friday or Saturday all day long.

Now. I think we’re all waiting to see what traditional Halloween trick or treating is going to be like in this Covid world. So, I cannot promise that the neighborhoods of Loma Linda in Los Alamos or Brighton Drive in White Rock will be offering their usual mega candy treats. But if you’ve never truly experienced Halloweekend in Los Alamos, check out this wonderful article by Kate Nelson of NM Magazine that describes just how awesome it is to celebrate Halloween in “the city on the hill”.

A Place to be Thankful

As the season of thankfulness approaches, it’s a perfect time to be grateful for what we have here in Los Alamos. As of September, our community was ranked the No. 1 Healthiest Community in America. You can read the article HERE, but I’m sure as you look over the criteria and read the testimonials from residents of our beautiful town, you won’t be surprised by what they’ve got to say. We are truly blessed to call this home. Sure. It’s not all wine and roses, but it’s pretty darn awesome.

With this in mind, and also given that it might not be the greatest plan to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday. It might be time to focus on what we have and do some donating or some volunteer work with one of the many organizations here in our community.

Stuck at home? Why not organize the family and put together a Thanksgiving Purge Project? Local Charity Shop Casa Mesita has just moved to a new storefront near the Bradbury Science Museum, which means they have more space for your unwanted stuff. Or, maybe its time to pass on some of the items you might have over purchased during the initial pandemic. CALL LA Cares and check with them about donating paper or canned goods.

This is a chance to come together as a family and talk about priorities and necessities and maybe even have a chat about accumulating too much stuff. Period. Goodness knows we’ve all been stuck at home with our stuff for long enough now that we might have some really new ideas about what’s important and what isn’t. If you want to know my thoughts on stuff, check this blog post from back on August 20, 2020. But seriously, at the end of it all, let’s take a moment to be grateful for our homes and the opportunity to live our lives in this beautiful community.

Winterfest Los Alamos

Never fear, Covid didn’t kill off our beautiful holiday lights parade or Winterfest Los Alamos. Some of the events are still up in the air, but one thing is certainly scheduled. Winterfest has been officially scheduled for December 4-6 with the Holiday Lights Parade on Saturday December 5. The theme this year is Toyland on the Mesa and there’s no doubt that a chance to get outside and celebrate will be more welcome than ever as 2020 draws to a close. Check out the details of Winterfest HERE.

The Holiday Lights Parade, the tree lighting at Ashley Pond, ballets, concerts, and the annual Creche Show at the Church of Latter Day Saints are all part of the Christmas Season in Los Alamos. While it’s uncertain whether or not all of these events will go on or be unchanged by this new Covid reality, there are a few things I think we can probably count on.

Over on Garver in White Rock, there will be a Santa peeking through the attic window in the garage. North Mesa will be lit by the glow of Luminarias on Christmas Eve. And we might even have another bonfire and lights set to music over on Brighton Dr. As we all contemplate the upcoming Holiday Season, I encourage all of you, friends, neighbors, and fellow residents of Los Alamos County, go all out this holiday season. Decorate your homes and businesses, your barns, your cars, and maybe even yourselves (if you’re inclined to wear an elf hat). This will be a year to climb in the family car or SUV and enjoy some hot cocoa as you cruise through the neighborhoods enjoying the displays and feeling warm and cozy as we bid farewell to the Year 2020.