Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: Home maintenance

Kitchens Matter

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Right? So many things happen in a kitchen. Food prep is only the tip of the iceberg. All of those pleasant (or not) family conversations. Homework. Work-work. Phone calls. Coffee with friends (back when we could).

Given that, it’s easy to understand why the all important kitchen reno is a hotly debated topic that can inspire excitement in some and dread in others. As our culture evolves into something that none of us were expecting, I think it’s only fair to talk a little bit about kitchen trends. And yes. You can Google kitchen trends and come up with a million ideas. But let me try to make this applicable to Los Alamos. Because let’s face it. In a good number of homes here in our community, the average HGTV kitchen renovation just isn’t going to work. So let’s look at kitchen trends from three angles that really matter here in Los Alamos. Space. Storage. Resale.


Let’s face it. Even in some of the larger homes in our county, the original home design from the seventies and eighties didn’t necessarily come complete with a big eat-in country kitchen. But at the end of the day, space is really about perception and not square footage. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to creating the illusion of space.

Cabinets & Counters

Have a tiny kitchen space to work with? Then modern, clean, bright, white is your friend. Sure. It might seem obvious. But even if your kitchen has cabinets that have been painted white, you’d be surprised how much brighter and bigger a kitchen will look if you get rid of those squeaky, creaky outdated painted cabinets and go with a more modern version.

Afraid of being too white? One rising kitchen trend is to add a dark countertop to offset the white floors, ceiling, and cabinets. Butcher block is becoming really popular and while it takes a little maintenance and sealing to keep it sanitary, the warmth of wood against white cabinets is striking. Or, you could try a dark quartz or stainless steel countertop with a nice shine to add depth.

Another way to add contrast and gain the illusion of space is to add a backsplash made of material with a reflective quality. It doesn’t have to be a mirror. There are plenty of prefab options available at DIY stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot. Some folks are adding a high gloss ceramic tile to really give their kitchen some character.


If you’re ready to dig into a bigger renovation project, you might consider adding windows or expanding what you have. Is there a breakfast nook in a dark corner? Consult a contractor about adding windows. It might be a way to expand your kitchen without losing other interior space and add some energy saving bonus points to your kitchen design. You could even modernize what windows you have to maximize light. If you have privacy concerns and neighbors close by, consider adding an aftermarket DIY film to your windows instead of curtains. Curtains not only take up space, but they can eliminate light.


If there’s one thing that tops the list on almost anyone’s home-must-have list it has to be storage space. Maximize your kitchen space by considering floor to ceiling cabinets. Yes. That’s right. A full wall of kitchen cabinets, probably in white, and almost definitely enclosed to provide you a place to pack as much of your kitchen gadgets and cooking utensils away from view.

When you’re planning your wall to wall cabinet system, think of it a little bit like a closet organizer. How can you integrate your appliances? What maximizes your countertop space and gives you plenty of space to prepare and cook meals for your family while still making your kitchen comfortable and uncluttered? While the latest trends in kitchen style don’t suggest knobs or any cabinet hardware, don’t be afraid to add a bit of color or character by finding some vintage or handmade knobs or drawer pulls to your cabinet project.

The Island

Ahh yes. The kitchen island. This vital piece of kitchen space doesn’t have to be huge in order to be functional. These days, the multi tiered islands are in. That can mean adding a bar height section and a waist high section. Or perhaps even adding a narrow bar in an awkward space to give the kids somewhere to sit and color. And if your kitchen doesn’t come with an island, don’t worry. There is plenty of variety when it comes to what kind of kitchen island you can add to your space. And don’t forget drawers or shelves to add even more storage.

Resale Value

I don’t think we ever do a renovation project on our homes without at least thinking about resale value. It might only be a passing thought, but it’s still present. When it comes to kitchens, upgraded and updated appliances are going to get you a great return on investment. And it might surprise you, but matte black and icy white were the “hot new colors” of 2020. And if you’re really looking to add to the functionality and wow factor in your kitchen don’t forget the Bluetooth and Wi-fi. Want to see some really interesting appliance trends from 2020? This list will get you thinking modern kitchen in a whole new way.

When it comes to resale, here are a few other things to consider.

Granite or marble countertops always add value to a home. From a return on investment perspective, if you have a very small amount of counter space in your kitchen, adding granite or marble will add class and value. Other styles that can increase appeal to potential buyers are stainless steel and concrete. It might not be what you’d expect to find in an average kitchen, but new trends suggest these two styles are both functional and attractive.

Back to those cabinets. Those outdated wood cabinets might have been total trendsetters in the eighties. They might have even been expensive. You could paint them or update the hardware. But you’ll get more resale value out of the clean lines and modern look of inexpensive cabinetry. It doesn’t even matter if they’re DIY specials you found on Overstock.com. As long as they are installed correctly and in a way to maximize storage and functionality, you’re going to add good value to your home.

As always, I hope that when you come up with an improvement project for the place you call home, you do it for yourself! Don’t forget that your house is first and foremost your house! Love your space. And when you’re ready to find a new one, email or give me a call!

Winter Survival Tips (For Your Yard)

Winter in the desert. It actually sounds like a break, right? People typically think of the desert as being hot and dry and maybe windy. So, winter would be cooler and maybe include some moisture. Not that we’re going to get rid of the wind…

But the reality of winters here in Los Alamos County isn’t always about cooler temperatures. I don’t think I have to remind anyone of that crazy 2018-2019 winter when you couldn’t even entice a tow truck to come up here to pull your car out of a snow drift and we were suddenly learning about things like “back up snow removal storage sites”.

Snow might or might not be on the horizon. If you’ve been a long time resident of Los Alamos or even someone who has gone through several winters here, you know that predictions are rarely spot on or even close. Some winters we have moisture, others are dry as a bone. But somewhere in all of those maybes are a few good thoughts about how to get YOUR yard ready to weather the coming winter whether it is wet, dry, or other.


Many people have a bit of a love hate relationship with mulch. It’s not as polished looking as rock. It comes in a variety of qualities, colors, sizes, etc. You can get it for free at the Transfer Station here in Los Alamos (and they’ll load it onto your truck or trailer for $3.00/yard). But no matter how you feel about mulch, there is a good chance you can use it to help your outdoor plants survive the winter looking their best.

For starters, mulch is all about insulation and moisture. Because of this, you want to apply mulch BEFORE the ground freezes for the winter. Now. I realize that we had that bout of snow already, but the ground has warmed sufficiently that you could get out there and mulch around your shrubs and trees before the winter weather is here to stay. Applying mulch to your plants is only the first step though. After that you want to soak the ground as much as you can (while remembering the water rules) up to the point where the mulch and the soil freeze. The idea is to promote as much root growth as possible and to keep the plants from doing the freeze and thaw cycle. Adding mulch too late or too early in spring, can cause the ground to thaw and the plants to start their spring heave toward the surface only to be smacked down by another cold front.


I have to say that I can totally understand the desire to clip off all of the dead growth on your plants in the fall. But you can increase the health of your plants and help them better survive winter by waiting until late winter or early spring to do your pruning.


If you have a tree or large shrub that has limbs in danger of breaking off during a heavy snowfall, then you should certainly get out there and take care of that. Another situation that requires pre-winter pruning are rose bushes or other flowering shrubs with long stems or “canes” that get whipped around in the wind. Trim those back so the plant doesn’t damage itself in bad weather.

For the most part though, the long stems, even though they’re dead, are used by the root system to stay healthy in bad weather. Stems and dead foliage can also catch and hold excess snow to promote insulation of the core of the plant during severe cold spells. So as much as you might be tempted to whack everything off in the fall, you might want to consider putting off that chore until spring.


Here in Los Alamos, we don’t necessarily have an excess of leafy trees like you might have seen in others areas such as the Midwest. But we do have some. Here is a thought when you’re trying to decide whether or not you want to bother with raking up the mess. A thick bed of leaves might work as an insulator for your plants, but it also makes a fantastic breeding ground for plant damaging insects. While mulch tends to harbor a “healthier” variety of insects dedicated to the decomposition process and adding nutrients to the soil, leaves provide a great place for problem insects to winter. Their eggs and larvae stay cozy and fed and erupt in the spring to become an even bigger nuisance.

Soil Deficiencies

If you have any fruit trees on your property, you might want to think about iron deficiencies in your soil. An iron deficiency can be responsible for not only yellowed foliage on certain plants and shrubs, but also poor tasting and sparse crops of fruit on fruit trees. Fall is the perfect time to add something like Greensand to the area around the base of your plants. Check out the information here for more about iron deficiencies.

No matter how you choose to get ready for winter, I hope you enjoy this gorgeous fall weather that we’re having. And remember, for all of your local real estate tips, questions, and especially answers, feel free to contact Kendra via email or phone.

Those Big Ticket Items

The words “Big Ticket Item” can be applied in so many ways. But they do seem to have a rather broad application when it comes to home ownership. A home is one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your lifetime. The amount of planning that goes into the initial purchase of your home is nothing compared to the satisfaction you get from walking through the door at the end of each day and just knowing you’re HOME.

But as with any investment, you might want to keep a few things in mind when it comes to maintaining and protecting your home. Whether you’re considering the purchase of a new or new to you home, or trying to make some vital decisions about necessary maintenance on your current home, these are some things to keep in mind.

The Roof

Architectural shingling is the most common roofing material used in the United States. However, here in Los Alamos County and in the Southwest in general, we see a lot of flat roofs on adobe style homes as well as metal roofing options.

Asphalt shingling comes in 20, 30, 40, and 50 year ratings. These ratings are established by the manufacturer, but they don’t necessarily take into account the brutal UV rays experienced here in our community. Lighter colored shingle roofs will last longer than darker colors, and choosing a lighter color for your shingles can also cut down on cooling costs in the summer.

Flat roofs tend to need repair or even replacement in 10-15 years. They require frequent inspecting to make certain that puddling of water doesn’t occur. In some cases, older flat roofs need a buildup of fiberglass or other material to create a slope to encourage appropriate draining.

A metal roof such as Pro Panel roofing can last from 40 to 70 years. Though some homeowners mention that metal roofing can be “louder” during rain or hail storms, proper insulation in your ceiling can eliminate this issue. Metal roofing also comes in a variety of colors and has a better fire rating than other roofing options, which sometimes makes it attractive in communities like ours.

Now. When considering your roofing options, whether the roof is on a house you want to purchase, or your current home, think about age. Age of the home. And how long are you planning to stay in that house? Metal roofing is more expensive than shingles. Sure. You might get 70 years out of the roof, but if you’re only planning to be there for ten years, you’re not going to be the one truly benefitting from that large investment. When pondering the options for replacing your roof, really be honest with yourself about your budget, your expectations, and how long you intend to be in this home. You’ll be glad that you did.


Saying that our town is filled with an eclectic collection of colorful dwellings isn’t just talk. A strong part of our town’s identity is in our individuality and sometimes that comes out in the paint choices. Even if it means that one half of a duplex is blue and the other is brown.

Some of these color choices come down to what sort of siding is covering the exterior of a home. We have brick, vinyl and hardboard siding, and also plenty of stucco. The durability of these choices is largely affected by whether or not they were properly installed to begin with. Vinyl siding has a 60 year lifespan, hardboard siding tends to be less, 40 years or so, and stucco will last you approximately 50 years. All of these estimates are affected by weather and climate. Replacement costs have more to do with your home’s size, construction, and whether or not the current exterior material must be removed. If you ask Google, the average cost of replacing your siding falls somewhere between $8K and 12K$. Truthfully, this number is generally higher here in our zip code, sometimes because we are located in a remote area, other times because of our tax rate.

In the end, what you choose to put on the exterior of your home should be influenced by your personal preferences and your budget. It’s also drastically affected by how long you intend to be in your home. Be aware if it isn’t your direct concern, it could be a concern for the individual who purchases your home from you down the line.

HVAC – The hot and cold in YOUR life

Air conditioning was not part of the original equipment in a good number of Los Alamos homes. If you’re considering the purchase of a home without A/C, don’t make the assumption you can just add that in later. Ask your Realtor or consult with your building inspector and get all the facts. If that home doesn’t have a central heating system, adding “aftermarket” A/C can be problematic. Ventilation systems and ductwork can be costly or impossible to install if there’s no place for them to go.

Many homes in Los Alamos have hot water baseboard heating. This tends to be a very effective heating solution for many homeowners. Combined with a wood stove or the use of a fireplace, it can be cost effective and cozy. Many homes in our area have passive solar features as well thanks to the brilliant sun that shines an average of more than three hundred days a year.

If your home DOES have A/C, you can expect that system to last 10-15 years. Your furnace and A/C do need regular inspections. Inspections for gas furnaces can be free, so take advantage of this service to avoid costly repairs down the road. If you do need to replace a unit, you can expect to spend between $5K and $10K depending on the size of your home and your family’s needs. When purchasing a home, make sure to ask when the system was last serviced and if the A/C unit has needed “recharging” (a refill of the system refrigerant). Then begin budgeting for any repairs or replacement well in advance. This is one situation where a little bit of planning can avoid some uncomfortable days and nights waiting for emergency service.


When it comes to a modern home, there are a LOT of appliances! Here are some basic stats regarding how long those suckers are likely to last.

Hot Water Heater – 6-13 years

Stove 13-15 years (gas stoves tend to last longer)

Refrigerator 10-18 years (the larger the longer lived)

Dishwasher – 10 years

Microwave – 7 years

Some things to think about when it comes to replacing appliances.

First? NOBODY wants to be without hot water. Know how old your hot water heater is and what kind of shape it is in. The water in Los Alamos has a lot of minerals that tend to collect inside a hot water heater reservoir. While these don’t necessarily kill the hot water heater, they can diminish the amount of space inside the tank and effectively create situations where you simply don’t have enough hot water to handle more than one shower in an hour. This could shorten the number of years your hot water heater can handle your family’s needs.

It’s also important to consider the new options for hot water that don’t even require a tank. On demand tankless hot water systems can be a viable option here in Los Alamos. Many of our homes already have gas powered hot water heaters and that can decrease the cost of installation on a tankless system. In the end, it comes down to your family’s needs and your budget. While a tankless system can cost a lot less per year, they tend to cost three times as much up front. That means you need to be in your home for a number of years to break even on that expenditure. Talk to a qualified dealer or a highly rated plumber to find out if this option is the right one for you.

We’ve all seen those older refrigerators, stoves, ovens, etc. that seem indestructible. They’re ancient, and they’re some bizarre color like bright red, golden yellow, or avocado green. Remind yourself that all of those colors were popular at one time. When choosing your new appliances, try to go with a color and finish that is easy to clean, light, bright, and appealing. Even if you’re only replacing appliances one at a time as they need it, plan ahead and think timeless and not trendy.

I hope this information has given you some ideas about your home ownership journey. As always, if you have more questions or any comments, please feel free to Contact Kendra. I’d love to hear from you!