Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: Home buying and selling

Got A Listing In My Pocket…

Pocket Listing. The name sounds almost cute. The idea is anything but.

The idea of the pocket listing or “off market listing” is actually rather simple. There is a house for sale. Something about that house, either involving it’s readiness for viewing, the identity of the seller, or perhaps the price range of the property, suggests the house might be better off being sold as an “off market listing”. It might even be that the seller has a buyer in mind. A friend or family member.

Off market listing means not listed in the MLS. The MLS is the multiple listing system. The enormous database that brokers or agents can go to in order to search for homes that are currently listed for sale. It is literally the reason that most sellers want their home listed with a broker. They WANT it out there for people to see. The more potential buyers with an opportunity to see your home, the more opportunity the seller has to sell that home.


So, why would anyone want their home kept off that MLS?

Let’s say you’re a celebrity and you’ve got a house you want to sell, but you don’t particularly want every Tom, Dick, and Harry tromping through your house taking selfies with your bathroom sink. You can keep that listing in some broker’s pocket and make sure that they only let certain, pre-approved people with an actual interest in purchasing your home through the front door. And let’s face it. Most of the time when we’re talking celebrity homes, we’re probably talking about homes in the more than one million dollar price range. There are significantly fewer buyers in that price range. So it’s not hard for a broker to screen buyers or tap into their network to find the percentage of lookers who actually want to spend that kind of dough on a house.

Here’s the other thing you need to realize about the Pocket Listing. Whatever Realtor has that listing in his pocket is representing both the buyer and the seller. They are working to earn the entire commission. And that puts them in a very tricky situation when it comes to ethics.

Normally, when I work with a buyer or a seller, I’m happy to help them “speculate” (for lack of a better word) about what the other party in the sale might be thinking or planning, or how they might react to a certain offer or request. We spend time talking about the way things “usually” happen or situations I might have seen or experienced in the past. I’m happy to get them as much information as I can because I am working only for them.

Now. When I’m working for both buyer and seller because it is my listing? That all changes. I try to stay out of any speculation. It wouldn’t be speculation. It would be revealing important information about one side or the other and I have to remain neutral. I have to say “these are the facts, please follow your own instincts and do what’s best for you and your family”. It’s honestly a very uncomfortable place to be. I take the ethics of my profession seriously. I want to help my customers and that means not playing favorites.

Apply what I’ve just said to the concept of the Pocket Listing. Not only is the broker involved working for both buyer and seller, but the house is not listed in a way that could make that sale happen in any other fashion. If that seems a bit murky, you’re not wrong.

How This Applies to Our Local Market

Here in Los Alamos we are experiencing a fast moving seller’s market. Houses sell faster than they can be found. They spend very little time in the MLS and often involve multiple offers and bidding situations. This means homes can sell for a LOT more than the seller expected. While this can be painful for the buyer, it can also be a really good thing for someone who once thought they were upside down on their mortgage and would never be able to sell and leave the area.

I’ve seen several recent situations regarding Pocket Listings that have really given me cause for concern. Usually these situations are created by someone trying to do something nice. Something like this:

Example- Seller has a home and they have a decent amount of equity. They also have a friend who is looking for a home and really having trouble finding one in this tough market. Seller agrees to a Pocket Listing so that they can just have the broker do the paperwork to allow their friend to purchase the house. House sells for price X. Two weeks later a very similar house on the same street, with slightly less in amenities, and with a regular MLS listing and multiple bidders goes for $40K MORE than our Good Samaritan Seller got for their home.

I don’t know about any of you. I love my friends. I love my family. But not enough to throw away $40K.

I know. It sounds almost mercenary. But friendship goes both ways. There is a lot of wiggle room inside a $40K price difference. Why not list the house the traditional way and have your friend submit an offer just like everyone else. Perhaps you take their offer at a price that is fair to you both or help them out by paying their closing costs or something else to that effect. It’s much better to be fair than to take the chance of feeling bitter about it later.

Regardless of how you want to buy or sell your home or who you think deserves the chance to buy it. Keep a few things in mind when it comes to off market listings in our little close knit community. Pocket Listings are more common in sluggish markets, in markets that have huge numbers of investment properties, or markets that involve multimillion dollar homes and celebrity buyers. They are less of a benefit to sellers when homes are selling like the hottest new Christmas toy and spend very few days on market.

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays in this strange 2020 Holiday Season! And don’t forget, when you’re ready to make a change, even now when everything seems to change every second, call Kendra!

Kitchens Matter

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Right? So many things happen in a kitchen. Food prep is only the tip of the iceberg. All of those pleasant (or not) family conversations. Homework. Work-work. Phone calls. Coffee with friends (back when we could).

Given that, it’s easy to understand why the all important kitchen reno is a hotly debated topic that can inspire excitement in some and dread in others. As our culture evolves into something that none of us were expecting, I think it’s only fair to talk a little bit about kitchen trends. And yes. You can Google kitchen trends and come up with a million ideas. But let me try to make this applicable to Los Alamos. Because let’s face it. In a good number of homes here in our community, the average HGTV kitchen renovation just isn’t going to work. So let’s look at kitchen trends from three angles that really matter here in Los Alamos. Space. Storage. Resale.


Let’s face it. Even in some of the larger homes in our county, the original home design from the seventies and eighties didn’t necessarily come complete with a big eat-in country kitchen. But at the end of the day, space is really about perception and not square footage. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to creating the illusion of space.

Cabinets & Counters

Have a tiny kitchen space to work with? Then modern, clean, bright, white is your friend. Sure. It might seem obvious. But even if your kitchen has cabinets that have been painted white, you’d be surprised how much brighter and bigger a kitchen will look if you get rid of those squeaky, creaky outdated painted cabinets and go with a more modern version.

Afraid of being too white? One rising kitchen trend is to add a dark countertop to offset the white floors, ceiling, and cabinets. Butcher block is becoming really popular and while it takes a little maintenance and sealing to keep it sanitary, the warmth of wood against white cabinets is striking. Or, you could try a dark quartz or stainless steel countertop with a nice shine to add depth.

Another way to add contrast and gain the illusion of space is to add a backsplash made of material with a reflective quality. It doesn’t have to be a mirror. There are plenty of prefab options available at DIY stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot. Some folks are adding a high gloss ceramic tile to really give their kitchen some character.


If you’re ready to dig into a bigger renovation project, you might consider adding windows or expanding what you have. Is there a breakfast nook in a dark corner? Consult a contractor about adding windows. It might be a way to expand your kitchen without losing other interior space and add some energy saving bonus points to your kitchen design. You could even modernize what windows you have to maximize light. If you have privacy concerns and neighbors close by, consider adding an aftermarket DIY film to your windows instead of curtains. Curtains not only take up space, but they can eliminate light.


If there’s one thing that tops the list on almost anyone’s home-must-have list it has to be storage space. Maximize your kitchen space by considering floor to ceiling cabinets. Yes. That’s right. A full wall of kitchen cabinets, probably in white, and almost definitely enclosed to provide you a place to pack as much of your kitchen gadgets and cooking utensils away from view.

When you’re planning your wall to wall cabinet system, think of it a little bit like a closet organizer. How can you integrate your appliances? What maximizes your countertop space and gives you plenty of space to prepare and cook meals for your family while still making your kitchen comfortable and uncluttered? While the latest trends in kitchen style don’t suggest knobs or any cabinet hardware, don’t be afraid to add a bit of color or character by finding some vintage or handmade knobs or drawer pulls to your cabinet project.

The Island

Ahh yes. The kitchen island. This vital piece of kitchen space doesn’t have to be huge in order to be functional. These days, the multi tiered islands are in. That can mean adding a bar height section and a waist high section. Or perhaps even adding a narrow bar in an awkward space to give the kids somewhere to sit and color. And if your kitchen doesn’t come with an island, don’t worry. There is plenty of variety when it comes to what kind of kitchen island you can add to your space. And don’t forget drawers or shelves to add even more storage.

Resale Value

I don’t think we ever do a renovation project on our homes without at least thinking about resale value. It might only be a passing thought, but it’s still present. When it comes to kitchens, upgraded and updated appliances are going to get you a great return on investment. And it might surprise you, but matte black and icy white were the “hot new colors” of 2020. And if you’re really looking to add to the functionality and wow factor in your kitchen don’t forget the Bluetooth and Wi-fi. Want to see some really interesting appliance trends from 2020? This list will get you thinking modern kitchen in a whole new way.

When it comes to resale, here are a few other things to consider.

Granite or marble countertops always add value to a home. From a return on investment perspective, if you have a very small amount of counter space in your kitchen, adding granite or marble will add class and value. Other styles that can increase appeal to potential buyers are stainless steel and concrete. It might not be what you’d expect to find in an average kitchen, but new trends suggest these two styles are both functional and attractive.

Back to those cabinets. Those outdated wood cabinets might have been total trendsetters in the eighties. They might have even been expensive. You could paint them or update the hardware. But you’ll get more resale value out of the clean lines and modern look of inexpensive cabinetry. It doesn’t even matter if they’re DIY specials you found on Overstock.com. As long as they are installed correctly and in a way to maximize storage and functionality, you’re going to add good value to your home.

As always, I hope that when you come up with an improvement project for the place you call home, you do it for yourself! Don’t forget that your house is first and foremost your house! Love your space. And when you’re ready to find a new one, email or give me a call!

Title Insurance 101

If you’ve ever purchased a home, you’ve heard of title insurance. You’ve probably paid for it. You’ve probably also grumbled a bit about the added cost. But this is only a one time fee. Usually LESS THAN 1% of the purchase price of your home. Of course, that can still feel like a ton of cash to lay out at closing when it’s easy to feel pinched about the cost of purchasing a home.

What is a title anyway? Why do I need someone to guarantee it? The house isn’t going anywhere, right?

Let’s start by talking about what title insurance actually is.

According to The Street, a popular financial blog, “more of a risk prevention than a risk assumption (the model for most insurance policies) form of insurance, title insurance covers the history of the policy-holder’s home, examines the history for any trouble spots that could damage the value of the home, and highlights those potential issues before the buyer purchases the home”.

So what does that really mean? It means that you’re paying a company to research the title of the home you’re purchasing just in case there is something wonky in the history of that property.

Let’s bring that back around to our community of Los Alamos. Think about how many homes were either built, brought here, or somehow fabricated back when the Atomic Energy Commission was still in charge. Think about the chain of owners and banks and lenders and foreclosures and lien releases and… (I really think you get the idea). There are other homes that were damaged and then reconstructed after the Cerro Grande fire.

Now think about the way a mortgage works. Even if a lender only owns a pile of ash, they still want a piece of that pile. And this is before taking into account the homes that pass from one party to the next via a will or some kind of inheritance situation.

  • A home’s title includes:
  • The property abstract (sometimes called a chain of title)
  • A description of any easements or rights of way. (or maybe a note about national forest access)
  • Liens against the property

The title is a public record held in a clerk’s office and is technically available to anyone who is interested. Considering what the title is and how many different things affect it, you might imagine why having a knowledgable and licensed title expert to review the title before you purchase a property is not only a requirement, but a really good idea.

“Okay, so can I just pay for a title INSPECTION?”

Nope, the insurance part comes in when or if you’ve owned your home for five years and some undisclosed heir shows up and claims you’re squatting on his inheritance. Or (a far more common occurrence) when the county does a tax audit and you discover there was an escrow account error ten years ago and the previous homeowner’s lender neglected to pay the property taxes. Yep. Guess who becomes responsible for those back taxes?

That’s right. The current homeowner.

So, next time you’re buying a new home or you’re speaking with someone who is and there is a discussion about closing costs and title companies, and title insurance, feel free to chime in with all you now know about why title insurance is important. After all, nobody wants to be left holding the bag when it comes to an unexpected financial lien against your home. Your home is supposed to be your safe space. Title insurance can make sure that it is fully YOURS.