Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: Holiday in Los Alamos

Tis The Season For Giving!

There’s no doubt that the holiday season has traditionally been a time of giving. Never has this been more important than now. We are busier and more overcommitted than ever these days. Perhaps the best way to count your blessings this season is to help others in need.

Re/Max First is partnering with LA Cares to collect food and personal care items for the holiday food drive. LA Cares is a non profit organization serving over 60 families per month with supplemental items that help bridge the gap between available income and basic needs. LA Cares also helps local residents with utility payments when necessary, and can sometimes help identify other resources to assist during a crisis. The organization is entirely volunteer run and even provides food pantry delivery services for those who cannot get out on their own.

This year, Re/Max First will donate up to $1000 for food pantry items brought to our office at 116 Central Park Square between December 1 and December 22. One item donated to the food pantry through our office will equal one dollar in cash for LA Cares to help with other needs here in town.

LA Cares and Re/Max would ask that you take a look at the list of items requested and check it twice before donating! While cleaning out the pantry is always a great idea no matter what time of year it is, the food pantry cannot use items that are expired. There are also a variety of other non perishable things that aren’t needed and might surprise you. I know I was surprised, and also thankful for the heads up!

If you’d like a bit more information about the Food Drive, here’s a link to Carol Clark’s informative write up in the LA Daily Post. Los Alamos is a wonderful community with so much to offer residents. It’s wonderful to have an opportunity to give back and help those around us who might be struggling this holiday season. Please stop by anytime during business hours, 8:30AM – 5:30PM Monday through Friday, and drop off your items. We’re at 116 Central Park Square and we’d love to wish you a Happy Holiday! Or if you’d like to make a cash donation to LA Cares this season, contact them at (505) 661-8015 for more information.

And as always, when you’re itching to talk real estate in Los Alamos, give me a call! Los Alamos is the place I call home and I’d love chat with you about housing here in town. Let’s make this holiday season warm and merry for the entire community!

Saying Goodbye to 2020

There’s no doubt about it, 2020 has been a year to remember. Most of it NOT on the positive side. I don’t know what your usual New Year’s Eve traditions consist of, but it’s a pretty good bet that whatever they usually are, this year is going to be different.

Staying home. Social distancing. No gathering with friends or family in your house, their house, or any house. Yes. All of this makes for a strange holiday season. But perhaps its time to look on the bright side.

It’s going to be important to usher out 2020. That’s for sure. But maybe there are some new, fun ways to make this into a New Year’s Event your family will remember for years to come.

A Time For Family

This is an opportunity to make the night a family affair. A giant family lock in, sleepover, and house party all in one. Bring out the junk food! Christmas cookies, candy, sundae bar, layer cake, holiday puddings, and more. Ask each member of the family to choose a dessert and a favorite game. If you have a Nintendo Wii gathering dust, this could be the opportunity to bring out those goofball favorites like Raving Rabbids or Mario Kart. Spend the entire evening sampling scrumptious junk food and playing games until 2020 is over and done. Maybe end the night with a family movie at midnight and let the kids fall asleep in a pile like a litter of happy puppies. Have a lazy family time weekend and be kind to yourself and those you love. Yes, we’ve all had some challenges as we isolate together, but at the end of the day your family is still your family.

Couple Time

It’s a pretty sure bet there are not a lot of places to actually GO on New Year’s Eve this year. If you’re trying to make the evening special you might try having a romantic night in instead of out. Dress up anyway. Look and feel like a million bucks. Cook a nice meal or order out. Los Alamos favorite, Sirphey, is offering a Royal Feast for New Year’s Eve. Or you could check out some of their other elegant offerings if you’re looking for a special feast to ring in the new year. Buy your favorite beverages. Look for New Year’s Eve celebrations around the world online and watch fireworks and more in every time zone across the globe. There’s no reason why 2020 can’t end on a happy note. Make it happen!

Power of Positivity

Whether you are a family of one, two, or ten, there has never been a greater need for purging the negative and embracing positivity. Think of December 31, 2020 as a time to cleanse the mind and the spirit. Take some time to talk to your loved ones. Talk about the things you’ve experienced this year. Talk about your worries and your fears.

“Getting it out” doesn’t just happen in therapy. It’s something we can share with our loved ones every time we listen to one another whether you’re face to face, FaceTime, or using Zoom for a family conference call. The best thing that can happen is to not just focus on the the worry and dread that’s been dogging most of us throughout this year. Let’s talk about what’s to come! Sure, get 2020 out in the open. Don’t let it squat like a giant elephant in the corner. But don’t forget to talk about the future! Share your hopes and your dreams and your plans for 2021 and beyond. There are good things on the horizon. We just have to be ready to welcome them with an open mind and not one filled with suspicion and doubt.

Whatever and however you and your family choose to celebrate the coming of a New Year, I want to wish each and every one of you the best! Happy New Year from Kendra Ruminer Real Estate! And remember, when your plans for 2021 call for a change in venue, give me a call. I love to talk Los Alamos Real Estate!

Top 5 Meal Options for a Very Covid Holiday!

It’s very likely that most of us just aren’t feeling the Holiday Spirit this year. Even if you’re excited that the holidays are coming, it’s hard to know what to think when we’re prevented by pandemic restrictions from observing so many of the traditions that tend to define our holidays. Gatherings. Huge meals. Parties… You get what I mean.

So, here’s what I suggest. Embrace the different. I’m not suggesting you don’t make Grandma Sadie’s Famous Sweet Potato Pie if you’re dying to eat it. What I am suggesting is taking the opportunity to release yourself and your family from the pressure we often feel to try and pretend that everything is normal. Things are NOT normal. You can’t even plan on grabbing a holiday meal inside a nice restaurant this year.

With that in mind, here are my Top 5 Alternative Holiday Meals. Prepare to have your mind blown…

Number Five

With snow in the Los Alamos County forecast for the Friday after Thanksgiving, a savory soup always sounds like a winner. Have a family vote and decide what kind of soup you’re going to make (or heat up). Offer several options and grab a good selection of cold cuts and cheeses from the deli. Invent a new kind of grilled cheese with crispy edges and fancy bread. The possibilities are endless and the prep work can even be a family affair.

Number Four

The Taco/Nacho Bar can be a fantastic way to offer multiple healthy options and integrate some greens into your meal. Or you could get yourself some mega unhealthy liquid cheese product and immerse yourself in gooey nacho cheese goodness. Try simmering some chicken breasts in the crockpot with a good dose of green chili and then shredding with a fork. Or, you could simmer that chicken with barbeque sauce and have yourself a nice Southern Taco & Nacho Feast!

Number Three

Okay. I admit it. This one could be a meal, or you could have this available AFTER the meal. We’re already standing on the edge of a completely non traditional holiday. Why not let the kids eat junk food and then tell them to run around the block four times before declaring a Happy Covid Thanksgiving Marathon winner? Pile on the toppings, mix up the ice cream choices, and revel in that warm hot fudge as you listen to Christmas Carols and snuggle into your favorite pair of flannel pajama pants.

Number Two

I don’t know about you, but my kids happen to think breakfast for dinner is the greatest idea ever. Make it elaborate and offer both pancakes and french toast at the same time. Do sausage links, sausage patties, and bacon and add some tortillas and cheese for the best burritos possible. Mix up your family’s favorite breakfast choices and then enjoy a nice leisurely Thanksgiving or Christmas Brunch that will remind you that life is good!

Number One

Nothing says unorthodox holiday food like Pizza. This is the number one choice for a simple, scrumptious, and fun holiday meal. Stop by Papa Murphy’s and grab some take n bake pizza. Hit the frozen food aisle and grab every one of those options you’ve always wanted to try and haven’t. Make your own pizza and let the kids pick and add their favorite toppings. There are so many ways to make pizza into a fabulous holiday meal that screams family fun! And don’t forget the cheesy bread for a carb loaded appetizer and the cinnamon rolls for dessert!

And when you’re done with your holiday feast, don’t be afraid to give me a call or drop me an email with all of your local real estate questions. Because yes. We are STILL doing business!

Holidays in Los Alamos

I know. You’re thinking to yourself that it’s ONLY the very beginning of October. You don’t want to think about how many shopping days are left before Christmas and you REALLY don’t want to think about the kids being off school for the holidays either.

But come on. Let’s be real. We are ALL looking forward to the end of 2020. Why not focus on one of the seasons that is by far a GREAT thing about living in our community. If there’s something that Los Alamos does well, it’s the holiday season. And I’m here to tell you that Covid hasn’t changed that. Promise.

Monster Madness and Big Time Munchies!

Oh yes. Los Alamos Halloweekend is ON! Scheduled for October 29th through the 31st, the Arts Council has us covered, Los Alamos. Get the full schedule of events HERE. But what I can promise you is that while things are going to look a little different than they have in past years, we are still going to have a Pumpkin Glow, a Scarecrow Contest, and of course, Trick or Treating in the Main Street District. This year will be Monster Munchies to avoid the crush of humanity that we’ve all become accustomed to for Trick or Treat Main Street. Grab a hanging bag or two of goodies from an obliging tree on Friday or Saturday all day long.

Now. I think we’re all waiting to see what traditional Halloween trick or treating is going to be like in this Covid world. So, I cannot promise that the neighborhoods of Loma Linda in Los Alamos or Brighton Drive in White Rock will be offering their usual mega candy treats. But if you’ve never truly experienced Halloweekend in Los Alamos, check out this wonderful article by Kate Nelson of NM Magazine that describes just how awesome it is to celebrate Halloween in “the city on the hill”.

A Place to be Thankful

As the season of thankfulness approaches, it’s a perfect time to be grateful for what we have here in Los Alamos. As of September, our community was ranked the No. 1 Healthiest Community in America. You can read the article HERE, but I’m sure as you look over the criteria and read the testimonials from residents of our beautiful town, you won’t be surprised by what they’ve got to say. We are truly blessed to call this home. Sure. It’s not all wine and roses, but it’s pretty darn awesome.

With this in mind, and also given that it might not be the greatest plan to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday. It might be time to focus on what we have and do some donating or some volunteer work with one of the many organizations here in our community.

Stuck at home? Why not organize the family and put together a Thanksgiving Purge Project? Local Charity Shop Casa Mesita has just moved to a new storefront near the Bradbury Science Museum, which means they have more space for your unwanted stuff. Or, maybe its time to pass on some of the items you might have over purchased during the initial pandemic. CALL LA Cares and check with them about donating paper or canned goods.

This is a chance to come together as a family and talk about priorities and necessities and maybe even have a chat about accumulating too much stuff. Period. Goodness knows we’ve all been stuck at home with our stuff for long enough now that we might have some really new ideas about what’s important and what isn’t. If you want to know my thoughts on stuff, check this blog post from back on August 20, 2020. But seriously, at the end of it all, let’s take a moment to be grateful for our homes and the opportunity to live our lives in this beautiful community.

Winterfest Los Alamos

Never fear, Covid didn’t kill off our beautiful holiday lights parade or Winterfest Los Alamos. Some of the events are still up in the air, but one thing is certainly scheduled. Winterfest has been officially scheduled for December 4-6 with the Holiday Lights Parade on Saturday December 5. The theme this year is Toyland on the Mesa and there’s no doubt that a chance to get outside and celebrate will be more welcome than ever as 2020 draws to a close. Check out the details of Winterfest HERE.

The Holiday Lights Parade, the tree lighting at Ashley Pond, ballets, concerts, and the annual Creche Show at the Church of Latter Day Saints are all part of the Christmas Season in Los Alamos. While it’s uncertain whether or not all of these events will go on or be unchanged by this new Covid reality, there are a few things I think we can probably count on.

Over on Garver in White Rock, there will be a Santa peeking through the attic window in the garage. North Mesa will be lit by the glow of Luminarias on Christmas Eve. And we might even have another bonfire and lights set to music over on Brighton Dr. As we all contemplate the upcoming Holiday Season, I encourage all of you, friends, neighbors, and fellow residents of Los Alamos County, go all out this holiday season. Decorate your homes and businesses, your barns, your cars, and maybe even yourselves (if you’re inclined to wear an elf hat). This will be a year to climb in the family car or SUV and enjoy some hot cocoa as you cruise through the neighborhoods enjoying the displays and feeling warm and cozy as we bid farewell to the Year 2020.