Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: buying and selling homes

What Does FICO Do For You?

It’s likely you’ve probably seen the letters FICO. You might even use them regularly when talking about your credit score. But do you actually know what they stand for?

Hmm. Federal… Well, the I could be income, right? And the C is definitely credit…

It might surprise you, but FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation. You might wonder what on earth Isaac being fair has to do with your credit score, but the letters FICO simply come from the name of the first organization to come up with a credit score. A way to use data about a potential borrower’s credit history to assign them a score that banks can use to determine the level of risk associated with lending that borrower an amount of money.

FICO scores are a pretty important part of the home buying process. But this isn’t a random number assigned to you because of your income bracket. You actually have some control over your score. The decisions you make can improve that number and help you in your journey to buy your dream home. So, let’s take a look at the FICO score.

When Did Credit Scores Appear?

The very first method for calculating a credit score was introduced in 1989. That may seem really recent to some of you, and ages ago to others. But what you’ll notice is that for a good number of you, your parents and their spending habits predate the concept of a credit score.

In the old days, “credit” was an account you had with an individual store owner. Your reputation was based on how well you kept up with making payments on that account. And in a good number of small towns throughout the US, farmers and ranchers only had cash money to pay accounts when the harvest was sold or the cattle went to market.

Homes were either built and paid for with cash, or sometimes you would get a bank loan. If you’ve ever watched the holiday classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, this is the entire purpose behind the Savings & Loan concept that is central to the plot in that movie. Go back and watch it if you haven’t seen it in awhile. Pay attention to the run on the bank, and the purpose of the Savings & Loan. It will give you a snapshot of why we have FICO scores, fair credit reporting, and equal opportunity lending laws.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart

Unravel the Mystery

According to Investopedia, “to determine credit scores, the FICO weighs each category differently for each individual. However, in general, payment history is 35% of the score, accounts owed is 30%, length of credit history is 15%, new credit is 10%, and credit mix is 10%.”

This may seem somewhat simple, but it isn’t. The key is that the FICO weighs each category differently for each individual. With the addition of new database comparison capabilities, this has actually become very complex! These percentages are a guideline though. And if you’re trying to figure out the best way to build or rebuild your credit, take a look at these numbers and rethink how you utilize your credit.

Version 2.0

Here’s something that might really surprise some of you. Since coming up with the first scoring method in 1989, the FICO has had more than 10 versions of their calculating methods! The most widely used version as of 2021 was still FICO 8. FICO 9 was introduced in 2016 and was more attuned to medical based accounts, but a good number of auto loan and even mortgage lenders still use FICO 5. Investopedia suggests that the Version 10 introduced in January of 2020 might become the new most widely used version due to some really sweeping changes in how we do business in our post Covid world.

I highly suggest clicking on this link and checking out Investopedia’s easy to understand overview of how these multiple versions of the FICO could affect you personally. However, just at a glance, it could help you a lot to understand that when you apply for a credit card, an auto loan, or a mortgage, your credit score number might be different. Not because you made a mistake or did something unexpectedly amazing, but because that lender might be utilizing a different method of the FICO for calculating the number of your score. Another important thing to understand is that your number will likely be within a certain range. If that means your range is on the border of excellent to good, good to fair, etc, this could affect your interest rate and is certainly worth considering.

Your Credit, Your Life

The best way to feel good and secure about your FICO score is to understand it and take control of your credit life. Even if that means coming up with a long term plan, it can still feel really good to be fiscally responsible. And fiscal responsibility is an important step on the way to homeownership. When the moment comes, you want to be able to step up and by the house you want. And when you’re ready to talk home ownership in Los Alamos, give me a call! I would love to chat with you!

Does Curb Appeal Still Matter?

There is no doubt that the process of selling a house has changed here in Los Alamos. The number of days a house spends on the market has decreased drastically and in some price ranges it is almost nonexistent! But a “seller’s market” doesn’t necessarily mean “as is”.

Curb Appeal

These two words can mean so very much when it comes to selling your home. If your house has far more “curb” than “appeal”, you might look back to this post from last year to get ideas for making your home stand out. If you’re getting ready to sell and just want to put your best foot forward, this post is for you!

If you’re selling a home here is Los Alamos, it’s very likely that your house is going to sell. That means the devil is in the details. As a seller, you want to make your home as inviting as possible to every person who gets out of the car to come look at it. We all know Los Alamos is a unique place. The homes here can be as varied and unusual as it gets. While that’s really a part of the charm, it can also be jarring to those moving to our area from out of town. That means we need to welcome them as much as possible.

I’d start with these three things:

The Yard

Take a long, hard look at your yard and be honest with yourself. Are there bits and pieces of your home improvement projects hanging around? Car parts? A zoo like assortment of yard ornaments? Remember that you’re selling your home. Pack those things and put them out of sight. You’re moving. Might as well go ahead and get started on the process. Neat. Welcoming. Spacious. Those are the three words that need to describe your yard no matter what it normally looks like. If you have a lack of grass (because we live in a desert), then make sure there are no leaves gathered beside your bushes or littering your rock beds. And let’s talk about the bushes. Please trim them. Allowing the juniper to eat the future buyers on their way to the door is a bad idea!

The Front Door

Let’s be honest. How often do we actually look at our front door? Is it dirty, faded, paint chipping or door knob or knocker falling off? Does the knob work? If there is a “trick” to getting your door to unlock, get that fixed. A fresh coat of paint, (Metzger’s has tons of options) a new knocker, or a knob or latch and you’re set. Let’s face it. There is no doubt that a stranger will walk through your home and make a mental list of things that need some changing. Do not let that list start at the front door.

The Doorbell

Which brings me to the last item on every Realtor’s list. The doorbell. If it has multiple settings, then choose the most doorbell sounding option please. Don’t let your doorbell serenade future buyers with Brahm’s Lullaby. It’s just not in your best interest. And if it doesn’t work? That’s a big problem! And please don’t think the doorbell won’t get used. Any Realtor who walks up to your front door with their clients is going to push the doorbell, because they need to make sure you’re not in the house when they enter. I never want to walk-in on a homeowner by accident! The same goes for cracked or broken doorbell buttons. There are plenty of options these days to fix that issue that don’t even require electrical intervention. Bring your doorbell and your home into the modern age and welcome future buyers in the best way possible.

Now, this will help you put your best foot forward. If you have additional ideas for making a home as welcoming as possible, I’d love to hear them. Just add them in the comments below or feel free to drop a line on my Facebook Wall. And don’t forget. If you’re buying or selling in Los Alamos, give me a ring!

Proving You REALLY Want It

We talk about the “seller’s market” going on right now in Los Alamos County. But what does that actually mean if you’re trying to purchase a home in a seller’s market?

There’s the obvious of course. When you’re one of several buyers interested in purchasing a home, that seller isn’t going to be likely to offer much in the way of bonuses like repairs or discounts for outdated fixtures, paint, or carpet. But there are several situations you might not anticipate.

Are you ready to really prove that you want that house? One method that might be suggested by your broker is to waive the appraisal.

I know. The concept sounds a little off. After all, the appraisal establishes the value of a home so that the mortgage company – the lender – can lend an appropriate amount of money. The appraisal often affects the amount of a down payment required to purchase the house. If a house does not appraise for the entire listed price, it can be a bargaining tool to lower that asking price.

But when there happens to be a line of buyers waiting to purchase that property, things change. Offers become creative. Think of it as doing your level best as a potential buyer to make YOUR offer stand out from the other ten sitting on the table. How do you do that?

We often hear about “bidding wars”. It might make you shake your head because how on earth do you have a bidding war when at the end of the day, you can only pay as much for a house as the bank says its worth.

Actually, you CAN. Here’s how:

You can agree to waive the appraisal. The appraisal still takes place. After all, the lender needs to know what the value of that house is. But you, as the purchaser, are essentially agreeing to pay enough money up front to bridge the gap between the asking price and the appraisal value.

How does that work?

Let’s say a house is listed for $350,000. You offer $400,000 and you waive the appraisal, because there are a LOT of offers and you REALLY want this house. Your dream home then appraises for $375,000. So as the buyer, you would then have to chip in your down payment plus $25K. 

Regardless of the amount that the purchaser offers, the key is that it no longer matters what the house appraises for. The purchaser is agreeing to make up the difference between what the bank will lend based upon the appraisal value, and the sale price.

This isn’t necessarily as terrifying as it might first seem. If you’ve purchased a house here in Los Alamos recently, you might have noticed that the median home price has been steadily increasing. This means that appraisal values have also been increasing. If you’re looking at purchasing a home that had a reasonable asking price to begin with, then even if you offer more than the asking price, the appraisal might come in higher than originally anticipated anyway.

It is also possible to waive only a portion of the appraisal. The buyer can choose to specify that they would pay $X above appraisal. That way you know that you may or may not have to come up with additional capital up to a certain point. These amounts vary, but can be adjusted based on the financial capabilities and the comfort zone of the individual buyer. There are also ways to anticipate what the appraisal will be. Your broker can assist you in estimating the additional cash you might have to add to your down payment to cover your offer on the home of your dreams.

Of course, once your offer has been accepted, the waiting game begins. Then you’re likely to experience more than a little uncomfortable anticipation as you wait for the appraisal to come in. See, you are now legally obligated to come up with that cash. You made an offer. You have a contract.

The wonderful news is that you’re going to buy the house of your dreams! Your offer was chosen. You managed to get in there and get the house in spite of the other ten or fifteen offers that might have been on that table. Congratulations!

So when you’re trying to find a way to make sure your offer floats to the top of the pile and looks the most attractive, this might help you succeed. But, as I always tell my clients. Be absolutely sure. Be certain you can financially fulfill this obligation. And be sure that this is the right decision for you and your family.

When you’re ready to prove that you REALLY want that house, give me a call! I’d love to chat with you. We’re still buying and selling real estate through these pandemic times. Drop me an email today to see how we can make the process easy for you with virtual tours, online sales, and no contact showings!

What’s A Little Stuff?

If there’s something we see a lot of in Real Estate, it’s stuff. Yep. LOTS of stuff. It doesn’t really matter who you are or where you’ve lived, where you’re moving, or where you’re from. People accumulate stuff. We find it. We buy it. We inherit it. Other people give us THEIR stuff. And the cycle continues.

So, let’s talk about stuff for a minute. Can we? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to visit with a new client and come face to face with their stuff. This can happen in any number of ways too. Maybe I’m going to their home because they’re ready to list it for sale. Perhaps I’m meeting with them because they’re in the market for another house. They need to downsize. Or they need more space. Like I said, this can happen any number of ways. Because we don’t have oodles of time and space, let’s focus on three situations that probably apply to most people in the Los Alamos area.

“Help! My new house has NO storage!”

There is always variety within a real estate market. But when Los Alamos boasts diversity in housing options, we aren’t kidding around. There are some homes that have enormous amounts of storage (yes, they DO exist!) But if your new home isn’t one of those, you might be looking for creative ways to maximize your storage.

First of all, does this picture apply to you? Do you have boxes and boxes of possessions that you’ve been carting all over the country as you move from one phase of your life to the next?

Step One: Go through your stuff. If you haven’t used it in five years, you probably never will.

There are a library’s worth of books written on the relationship between humans and their possessions. Hoarding is a word we don’t like to hear applied to us. But please go easy on yourself. Hoarding doesn’t always end in one of those homes featured on reality television. People hoard for a variety of reasons, but there is always an emotional element to it. The truth is that you’re likely to be much happier without a life filled with excess baggage. And yes, you can make an emotional parallel there if you choose.

Step Two: Identify storage areas in your home.

This isn’t just about saying, “oh yeah, there’s a closet here.” It’s about taking a critical look at the space you have and matching it with practical uses. This is also where you make an investment in organizers. The thought might seem irritating or overwhelming, but when you have a large rectangular empty space because of duct work or the chimney, an organizer solution can make that into a viable place to store books, toys, clothing, or just about anything you like. And if you’re looking for real space saving tips, I highly recommend Kendra Henning of Stuff Happens. Kendra has an absolute knack for knowing which organizer will fit what where!

Step Three: Be creative!

No room for cleaning supplies because the kitchen is full and there isn’t a proper laundry room? Do you actually USE all of your coat closet space in the front hallway? Why not store paper products and cleaning products there? Perhaps the kids need new beds anyway. Why not get a pedestal bed with storage drawers underneath? This might even be a solution for sports equipment like skis if you’ve got space beneath the bed in your master. Think outside the box and the box will suddenly seem a lot bigger!

“I’m trying to move into a larger home, but I have to sell my smaller one first!”

This sounds like a fantastic problem to have, but trying to sell a house you’ve outgrown can be tricky. First of all, see the steps above. If you’ve got unused stuff it might be time to donate or sell it. After all, you don’t want to move into a larger house and just swallow it up with a bunch of things you don’t even need!

Moving is the perfect time to purge. Get started as soon as you make the decision to put your house on the market. Perhaps even before. People need to be able to see your home. You might have outgrown it, but it may be just what they need. Unfortunately, if it is jam packed with boxes and boxes of your stuff, they can’t see just how perfect a fit it would be for them.

Don’t be afraid to start packing. In fact, DO pack. You. Are. Moving. Yes. If you pack the entire kitchen, you might have an issue making dinner, but you can pack most of the kitchen and be just fine. Moving is a mindset. Your house WILL sell. It might not sell tomorrow, but it will sell. Sure, in the interim you might experience a bit of inconvenience. Those are growing pains. They’re a natural part of this process. After all, you’re moving and eventually you will be settled in your beautiful new home! So get your stuff into boxes and tuck it into your best friend’s garage. Or your garage, if you have one. Even a month or two lease on a storage unit might be a good plan. Not to mention, paying for storage could REALLY motivate you to purge.

Once again, it’s not a bad idea to call a professional. Kendra Henning at Stuff Happens has a pretty spectacular track record with getting growing families from House A to House B with minimal fuss and stress.

“I’m downsizing after 30 years of living in the same house and I think my cat is lost in my office.”

Yes. This happens in Los Alamos more than you might think. In fact, I would bump that number up to perhaps forty plus years. This situation can also apply when an elderly parent has either passed away, or has decided to enter an assisted care facility or a smaller, senior living apartment.

This is when it can feel as though you are drowning in stuff. Paper can be one of the most prominent items to dispose of. Just because things are often all electronic now, that doesn’t mean the first thirty years of credit card statements and magazines aren’t still covering every surface in that home office. Before you get overwhelmed, ask yourself if you’re really ready to take on this task. It isn’t worth damaging yourself, your physical health, or your relationship with your elderly parent or relative when hiring a professional may be the better answer.

If that’s not an option you can choose, then I highly suggest making a plan BEFORE you attempt to sort anything. This plan should involve a realistic list of what will be useful in your/your relative’s next living situation, and then locating those items and setting them aside before you begin sorting the rest. It does no good to purge and purge and then realize you have to go and buy something you need because you already donated the one you had.

When it comes to a huge project that involves condensing decades worth of stuff accumulation, it pays to understand the ins and outs of estate sales, donations, and who to call when you need heavy lifting help. Even deciding what to keep and what to part with can be a difficult task. Remember, your unwanted junk might be someone else’s treasure, but finding that person takes industry know how and contacts.

The emotional impact of necessary purging can be paralyzing. I highly recommend calling Stuff Happens if you are facing this daunting task. Kendra Henning is a former project manager and Realtor with a deep understanding of what it takes to make an organized move happen. She is also a member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers. There are plenty of ways to make a move less stressful for your senior if you know how to work the logistics in their favor. Take advantage of Kendra’s industry knowledge to minimize the impact of this life changing event.

Whatever your issue with STUFF, remember that there are industry professionals out there who want to help. Whether you need a professional organizer or a Realtor, don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are only a phone call away!

If You’ve Got a Stuff Issue, Visit Stuff Happens ONLINE or CALL KENDRA HENNING today!

Interest Rates & Buying Power

We all hear the talk. It’s impossible to miss. It might only be a snippet of conversation between some financial analyst and an economist discussing strategies employed by the feds to help boost the economy. But we hear an awful lot about interest rates. What do low interest rates really mean for home buyers and sellers? Let’s take a look.

Now. I’m not going to take you through all of the pieces of the financial puzzle that actually affect mortgage rates. Let’s keep it simple by saying that both banks and the federal government have an interest in how many people are purchasing a home. The bottom line is that in the beginning of 2020, we have seen record lows for interest rates on home mortgages. Yes. Coronavirus has had a negative impact on the economy, but even though interest rates have come up just a bit since the spring, they are STILL lower than they ever have been before.

What does this mean? It means your hard earned dollar can now get you a LOT more house for the money. And here in Los Alamos, this is great news! The basic laws of supply and demand mean our home prices tend to carry a higher than average median value than other areas of New Mexico. But when you have the increased buying power of a record low interest rate, this can go a long way toward bridging the gap.

If you were ever considering the purchase of a home, now is the time!

Remember that your actual mortgage payment includes more than one line item. You are likely paying $ toward your principal balance and another sum for taxes and insurance to an escrow account. You might pay mortgage insurance, and of course, you pay interest. By far the largest piece of your monthly payment is very likely the interest payment. That means, if you’ve set your heart on a house just above your initial budget, you might actually find that your budget is bigger than you thought because a very low interest rate will mean that interest portion each month is much less!

When we talk about interest rates for big ticket items like homes, a single percentage point can make a huge difference to your monthly payment. This is why pre-qualifying and getting a pre-approval from a reputable lender for your new home purchase is such a vital part of the process. Once you have started working with a lender, you will have a better picture of just how much buying power you have. Once you have this information in hand, it’s time to go shopping for that fantastic new home.

Nope. It’s almost never too late to take advantage of record low interest rates!

Don’t worry. If you bought a house in the last ten years or even the last five. Heck, even if you purchased one only a few years back, there are ways that you might be able to benefit from the current low interest rates.

“I love my house! But my interest rate wasn’t nearly as good as I could get now!”

If this is you, then maybe it’s time to refinance. There are several factors that should affect your decision to refinance, but if you love your home and plan to remain in it until you retire from the National Laboratory and head to Florida (or wherever you prefer) it might benefit you to refinance.

Remember that your home has likely appreciated this last year. Homeowners in Los Alamos County are enjoying more equity than ever. And while banks aren’t too keen to do cash out refinancing like they did a decade ago, you might still qualify for a better interest rate. You’ve been a homeowner for awhile now, right? That likely means your credit score has been improving. And now your initial down payment has been supplemented by the market value increase of your home! Equity means a bank might look even more favorably on a loan for your home. Imagine that! More buying power while buying something you already own. You might even look into a fifteen year mortgage and discover a way to pay off your big ticket investment even sooner than anticipated!

“We’ve only been in our house for a short while, but we need something else!”

Low interest rates are great news for you if you fall into this category. And don’t worry. That’s why so many homes fall into what real estate professionals sometimes call “starter homes”. They’re meant to be a start. A place to get your feet wet as a homeowner. Maybe that two bedroom quad was a snug hideaway for you and your spouse a few years ago. But now you have a toddler and another baby on the way and you’re busting at the seams.

Well, this is the perfect time to sell and move into something bigger. Remember, low interest rates mean other people looking for “starter homes” will have the buying power to do just that. Buy your home! Then you’ll be able to turn around and use your equity and that lower interest rate mortgage to purchase a home that better fits your changing needs.

So, don’t wait another minute if you’ve been thinking you can’t possibly afford the home you want. You will never know until you try. Give me a call today and let’s chat about ways to exercise YOUR buying power!

All of Life (and Real Estate)is a Stage

Staging is a term that we use a lot in the real estate market. If you’re a buyer or a seller and you’re wondering how that applies to YOU, stick around and let’s talk about how staging can help a house put its best foot forward, figuratively speaking of course!

Does this bedroom look lived in? Or, does it look like a dream come true?

Staging to Sell

You might be thinking to yourself that the idea of hiring a professional company to stage your home for sale is a preposterous idea. You might be right. Sort of. The market here in Los Alamos is almost certainly a seller’s market. But even in a seller’s market when there are buyers lining up to get a peek at your house before you’ve got the sign fully planted in the yard, staging could still be the difference between having a bidding war that gets you top dollar and just selling your house.

Now. If you’re not interested in hiring a pro to fully stage your home for sale because you’re still living there and your stuff is still necessary for your day to day activities, there are still some things that can be done to make your home really shine.

Buyers Buy Space Not Stuff

You’re moving, remember? Pack your out of season clothes and store them somewhere else. Let your closets look emptily huge because let’s face it, we don’t have a ton of closet space in the Los Alamos area and whatever we do have needs to look amazing! That goes for any built in drawers, cabinets, or other spaces too. Staging is all about space. Space is inviting. Buyers want to be invited. Therefore, help your home by showing off every single room to its spacious advantage.

Make Them Envision Themselves At Home in Your Home

The other part of staging is doing everything that you can to make that buyer want to live in your home. Leave a folded newspaper on the coffee table with a tray that makes it look as though someone is about to sit and enjoy a fresh cuppa. The kitchen should be clean and ready for the preparation of a gourmet meal. The entire set up of furniture should encourage flow. Flow from one room to another. Encourage your potential buyer to wander through your space in a way that invites them to imagine their idyllic life if they should purchase your home.

Your Grandkids are Cute, but Not Helpful to Buyers

It’s been proven time and time again that photos and personal items are a distraction. You want any potential buyers to keep their mind on your house. The beautiful space, the light, the spacious rooms, the amount of storage, those hardwood floors you just refinished, whatever your home’s selling point, don’t let buyers get distracted by your family photos. Remember, you’re selling the house, not your stuff. So all of the things that make it uniquely yours have no place in someone else’s fantasy.

Buying a Staged Home

Now, when you’re on the buying end of that staged home, please don’t forget that you’re buying a space and not the furniture. Remember that your stuff is going to be taking the place of that beautiful lounge chair in the cozy reading nook and likely all of your kitchen gadgets will be cluttering up the countertops.

This is not to say that you’re not to love the idea of a quiet morning cup of coffee on the deck staring out across the valley at the Sangre De Cristos. You can! But take a look around when you walk through a beautifully staged home and focus on what they’re trying to get you to focus on. The space. Take that opportunity to picture YOUR stuff in the rooms. Imagine how well you and your personal items would fit. That is what you’re trying to discover. Right? A new place to call home.