Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Tag: backyard in los alamos

Patios & Balconies in Los Alamos

Claiming Your Outdoor Space

We’ve spoken about epic backyard spaces, jungle gyms, play yards, and fantastic ideas to turn your backyard into a little slice of heaven. But what happens when you don’t actually have much of a yard to play with? Truth is, with all of the dense residential living coming to Los Alamos, the concept of an outdoor yard is really changing.

Sure. We all want this:

But even if we don’t have nearly that much space to work with, that’s okay. Whether you’ve got a balcony or a little slice of patio space, you can still make it the oasis where you kick back and enjoy the end of your day.

Setting the Mood

It doesn’t matter how you set the mood. The important thing is to set it. If you’ve got drab walls, consider using some outdoor paint or investing in some adhesive tile. You can take those walls from drab to inviting in only a few hours if you think outside the box.

Once your walls are less of a mood killer, address the flooring. Is it traditional patio floor? Red brick, flagstones, wood or composite deck? How about a bright outdoor rug? Would you prefer some turf that makes it feel like grass? The good news is that the less square footage you have, the less expensive the solution will be. You might even look into all weather tile if your budget and landlord are agreeable.

Once you’ve addressed the walls and the floor, don’t stop there. You need something to stamp your personality on the space. No matter what kind of motif you’re into, add some color. A splash of brightness, a mirror or two, maybe some outdoor plants, something to make the space come alive. If you have a railing, try some narrow flower boxes overflowing with colorful blooms and greenery. Even heading to the store and picking up some floor length curtains to hang can not only enhance the privacy, but it can also dampen the noise if your outdoor space is right on a busy thoroughfare like Trinity Drive or Central Avenue. Whatever you decide, the point is to make it the place you want to be when the work is done.

The Seating

First of all, be kind to your space. If you don’t have much square footage, it’s important not to overwhelm it with blocky furniture. Decide if you want a table and chairs or a lounger. Don’t attempt to cram all of it out there. If you’re a dedicated sunbather or enjoy spending time reading in a lounge chair, but also have a real need for alfresco dining, consider purchasing a folding bistro table and chairs. Then you can swap off between your posh folding lounge chair and your cute bistro set almost as though your balcony or patio space is “dressing for dinner”. The entire point of setting the mood with the walls, floor, and decor, was to avoid the seating becoming the entire focus of your outdoor space.

The Grill

Make certain you ask yourself if you really need this piece of outdoor equipment. If you almost exclusively grill in the summer months and most of spring and fall as well, then yes. You should go ahead and sacrifice the space in order to put the grill on the patio or balcony. But if you’ve got anywhere else for this thing to go, do it. And be mindful of your space when you’re purchasing your grill. Do actual measurements. Don’t eyeball it in the store and then get it home to discover you can barely squeeze around the lid when its open. Remember that grills require a certain amount of area around them in order to prevent a fire hazard and even a ground floor patio might be challenged to provide enough space for the grill and a chair to sit on.

The Entryway

The next thing we often forget is to establish a flow between the interior of your home and the exterior living space. Don’t pile a bunch of boxes or your fishing gear or your bicycle in front of the door to the patio or balcony and expect it to feel restful. If it looks like you’re hanging out in the garage, it will feel that way too.

Instead, adjust your furniture inside to make it seem as though the natural flow of the room continues to the outdoor space. In nice weather, you should want to leave the door open so that you can go in and out as though that patio is just another important part of your home. A place where guests can hang out and chat or enjoy a beverage when they visit.

So again, don’t worry if you don’t have this:

The truth is, most of us don’t. We’re all making the best of tight spaces in a unique community where finding a place to live has always been a process where creativity and flexibility go a long way toward being satisfied with your living situation. And as always, give me a call when you’re ready to buy or sell your home in Los Alamos. This is my hometown and I’m always ready to make new friends!

Trampolines, Playhouses, & Forts…

In my last blog post we talked a little bit about what makes a backyard epic. Whether it be a patio, a conversation space, a deck, or a backyard that manages to be everything at once, the needs of your family determine the definition of epic. But if you decide that it’s time to make a play area for the kids, here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re improving your backyard here in Los Alamos.

The Trampoline

There’s no doubt that kids can get some serious fun out of a trampoline. As a parent myself, I’m certain I don’t have to remind all of you to get a safety net for your bouncing toy. Another thing to keep in mind here in Los Alamos, is the placement of your trampoline. Thanks to space issues, many trampolines in our area are tucked into tiny corners of the resident’s yard. Please make certain the tension on your safety net enclosure keeps your kiddos from accidentally coming into contact with any surrounding fencing. A stucco or concrete wall can create an incredible road rash risk if a trampoline user gets too close mid-flight.

Another important consideration is storage and maintenance. If you’ve been outside in the last few days, you’ve felt the extreme UV rays. These rays are devastating to your trampoline. Between the UV and the dry climate, the dry rot rate of the average trampoline is fairly accelerated here in Los Alamos. So, when you’re not using that trampoline, you might want to fold it up, store it in the garage or shed, or cover it somehow. And if you don’t? Please make sure you inspect it regularly to avoid any major incidents that could end badly for your kiddos.

The PlayHouse

Whether you want to purchase a playhouse from a manufacturer or build one from a kit or your own imagination, those pesky UV rays are going to affect this project as much as they would that trampoline. Whether you’re ordering your kit or cutting the wood parts yourself, consider using a protective exterior paint to put a layer of stoppage on those sun rays. Metzger’s has several options in dozens of colors guaranteed to either match your home or your child’s wildest desires.

Playhouses don’t have to be dead center in the yard by the way. If you’re building your own playhouse, try planning it in a way to utilize an otherwise non useable part of your yard. Tucked up against the side of the house? Tucked into the trees or bushes in an awkward corner of the yard? Goodness knows that the properties in and around Los Alamos boast more than a few awkward spaces. Perhaps in a spot like that, you can utilize some shade. Or, you could even create some shade for both the playhouse and the wilting kiddos by adding a small awning or suspending a sunshade between trees or even the house and the fence. Get creative and you’ll be surprised by what you can accomplish!

The TreeHouse

You’re not likely to find a lot of treehouse worthy trees in and around Los Alamos. Either you’ve got an eighty plus foot Ponderosa in your yard, or you’ve been graced with a tangle of juniper and scrub oak that couldn’t support a treehouse for your ant population.

However, don’t be discouraged. It’s quite possible to give the impression of a tree house by building your playhouse up on stilts. Not only does this make for a super fun playhouse option, it also gives you an opportunity to put a sandbox in the shade beneath the “treehouse”. You might even put a trapdoor in the floor of that treehouse to allow someone to drop right into the sandbox. It could also allow you to really utilize some of that awkward yard space by eliminating the need for a square foundation on the ground. You can build your treehouse above rocks, that pesky scrub oak, or even on a hill or other uneven terrain of the sort we find all over the county.

The Fort

The truth about a fort is that is can be made of anything, anywhere, anyhow, and in any dimension. That means if you have a series of strangely shaped juniper trees on your property, you can build a fort.

Oh yes, that’s right! With a set of hedge clippers and some scrap lumber, you could possibly enclose a little space that would be perfect for your little adventurer to use as home base for his excursions. You could even put a little “garage” against the side of the fort designed for a bicycle or a scooter.

There is no doubt that a trampoline, a playhouse, or a fort could be excellent fun for your children! It can also be a fantastic way to exercise the creativity that kids seem to have in spades. Or, you might be able to use any or all of these incentives to keep your kids outside instead of parked behind a screen enjoying their video games or watching shows on the tablet. I hope that you take these suggestions and put your own personal touch on them. I’d love to see what you come up with. Post your photos on Facebook and tag me at Kendra Ruminer Real Estate Los Alamos!

If you’re already a part of our unique community on the hill, I’m so glad! If you’re ready to move into or out of Los Alamos, give me a call. I’d love to talk about finding the perfect home here in Los Alamos!

Your Epic Backyard in Los Alamos

When we look at our backyard, whether we have a great view or a view of the house next door, we want to feel satisfied. But the truth is, the satisfaction we’re looking for depends a lot on where we are in life. Do we have kiddos chasing the family dog through the yard? Does your idea of the perfect evening involve a glass of wine and the crackle of a fire in the outdoor fireplace? Are you a gardener who loves to tend your plants against a backdrop of clucking chickens?

A natural backdrop of trees and open land is a perk of many properties here in Los Alamos!

Backyard Playgrounds

Kids love swing sets and playhouses. No doubt about it, many parents turn their yard space upside down and inside out trying to make it kid friendly. There are so many options these days for making play spaces in your yard for the kids, that you can run yourself ragged trying to decide how to fit Rocket Park onto your property. But the truth is, you probably need to think really carefully before investing in a lot of expensive equipment and elaborate buildings. Kids grow fast! You need to consider how many children you have, how many you’re expecting, their ages, and their interests before making a decision about backyard play equipment. Otherwise they’re going to outgrow or lose interest in your hard work and you’ll be left with a ghost yard instead of a play yard.

The playhouse kids dream of…
The playhouse your kids probably need…
This is a happy medium. Modular jungle gym for the kids, plenty of space left to run and play, and a nice high top table for mom and dad to enjoy on the patio!

Hobby Homesteading

If you’re interested in chickens, plants, and a spot of gardening before you kick back and enjoy your evening, don’t worry. With a bit of ingenuity, you can fit all of those things into one backyard. No problem. If you’re looking for some tips on chicken raising in Los Alamos, check out this post from a few months ago. Or maybe your idea of a perfect backyard is garden space. You might want to look back at this blog if you’re looking to garden here in Los Alamos. Gardens, chickens, maybe a few fruit trees, and you could be looking at a great way to turn your yard into a mini hobby farm in no time!

This particular chicken house was created from a playhouse sadly outgrown by the family’s children.
A beautiful balance between lounging space on the patio and deck, garden boxes, and a chicken house in the background. Every backyard homesteader’s dream come true!

A Relaxing & Epic Space

Whether your style is simple or elaborate, the thing that really matters is to create a space that is both relaxing and uniquely you. Keep in mind if you want to enjoy a fire pit, it needs to be covered in order to prevent sparks from flying out and starting a fire where it wasn’t intended. A fire pit can be a very relaxing way to wind down on nice evenings. The crackle of flames makes a beautiful addition to any starry mountain night.

Not all of us have the opportunity to watch the sunset on a porch like this one in Pajarito Acres.

No matter what you choose to do with your backyard in Los Alamos, I know it will be epic. After all, half the fun of a new space is making it your own! Please feel free to drop me a picture of your very own perfect backyard in Los Alamos. And don’t forget, if you’re ready to buy or sell in Los Alamos, I’m your hometown broker! Give me a call. I’m always ready to talk Real Estate in Los Alamos.