You’ve just purchased the home of your dreams in Los Alamos County. You’ve never been so excited about the prospect of moving. Break out the champagne and celebrate, right?

Now. Let me be the first to congratulate you. You’re absolutely right. Finding a home to purchase in our community is a whirlwind ride all on its own and that doesn’t begin to cover the step by step process of actually purchasing this new living space. So, yes. CONGRATULATIONS! But while we enjoy that champagne, let’s talk details shall we?
Let me be frank. There are a few hidden costs associated with purchasing a home. I know. I can hear you right now. “Kendra,” you say. “Believe me! I’ve already gone through multiple inspections. I’ve paid insurance premiums and set up an escrow account with my lender. I have this in the bag!”
Right. The details about closing costs were probably a surprise if you’re a first time homebuyer. I always try to walk my buyers through the entire process and keep them aware that these things are coming. But there are just a few more things to talk about. And honestly, they CAN be pretty fun. After all, who doesn’t like the part where you move in and make this new house your home?
Remember That First Walkthrough?
No. Not the walk through that happens just before closing. Although, if your new home was professionally staged when you first decided to purchase it, that last walkthrough might have been a bit of an eye opener if the place was bare boards and stark walls. That was the moment you got to actually picture your things inside the house. How did it look? Don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to make this new space feel like your home.
Now, go back to the very FIRST time you saw this home. For those of you who have already purchased or those considering selling and moving into another home, keep in mind that in this Covid-19 market, many of these walkthroughs are taking place virtually. There are so many home buyers who have NEVER physically been inside the new home they’re purchasing before they’ve got the keys in their hand and the mortgage payment coupon in their mailbox.
Stop for just a moment. The Los Alamos market is unlike anywhere else. The good news is that you’ve got your house! Love that! Give yourself permission to be thrilled with that! And remember that the rest is just cosmetic. Even if its quite possible that your new house hasn’t been updated since the seventies, who cares? This is your chance to make this house YOURS. Keep in mind that in other cities you might be peeling off the nineties, the eighties, and the seventies before putting your stamp on it. A few less layers can be a good thing!
Remember all of those improvements you knew needed to be made on this home before you became convinced that this was the ONE? There’s nothing wrong with some can do DIY attitude. But now that you’ve come through the home buying process, I don’t want some of the basic foundation stones for actually LIVING in your home to get lost in the shuffle.
Start Small
Yes. Small. As in, blinds or shades, or some kind of window coverings. You need to be able to cover your windows for privacy and also, in a bigger way, to maximize heating and cooling. So many homes in our area are lacking in modern double paned windows. I can think of a few homes that are missing screens on the windows, much less blinds. And we’re talking trading pretty for functional right now. Start with examining all of the blinds or shades in your new home. Count them, measure them, and then start looking for good deals on decent window coverings. You’ll be surprised how quickly the cost grows. But, you’ll also be thankful you handled this small task when that brutal summer sun starts creeping into your home and sending the temperature toward the roof. Good blinds can save plenty of pennies in cooling costs. And those are the pennies you’ll use to improve your new home in other exciting ways!

Now, The Kitchen
No. Don’t look at the cabinets. That’s a project you’ll be tackling soon enough. What I would suggest instead, is to look at the appliances. Check them for functionality. Does the refrigerator actually keep things cold? Does it freeze your produce solid? Does the dishwasher clean the dishes, or does it recycle your food leavings before flinging them back onto the plates and glasses? Does that snazzy built in microwave work? How about the oven? Did the house come with a washer and dryer? Do they get the job done or are you looking for a clothesline to finish your dry cycle outdoors?
Appliances are a vital part of our lives. Modern families are hard to manage without these work reducing beauties. But, as with everything else in a home, there is a decision that has to be made here. Is now the time to replace them or not? Do not let the avocado green or brilliant red or goldenrod yellow color of these make your decision for you. If an ancient refrigerator does its job and does not require you to call a repairman every day, then bump it down the priority list. If you’re dreading the purchase of the new fridge with its $3300 price tag, don’t let that keep you from replacing an older model that is costing you an extra $100 or $200 per month in electric and repairs. Think energy efficient and prioritize your list of renovations. Then assess each appliance with the decisiveness of a general making strategic battle plans. And by the way, take your time and enjoy making this space all yours!
Next, let’s take a look at the bathrooms and every faucet in your new home. Are the toilets making weird noises? Do the faucets drip? Does the shower head hit everything BUT your hair? Replace or repair these little things. The cost of doing them all at once may take more of your budget than you’d like. But making sure that you’re not increasing your water bill or driving yourself insane every time you take a shower is a must. And speaking of shower, you might want to replace the shower curtains or doors depending on how that door track looks. And what about the toilet seat? A new seat can refresh the toilets in your home in ways you probably never imagined possible.

This community is unlike anywhere else. We love living here. We love the fact that our homes are unique and sometimes dated. Okay. Maybe we don’t LOVE the dated part. But you’re going to do something amazing with that space. I know you will. Until then, remember that its about functionality, energy efficiency, and not draining your bank account penny by penny each month. Making sure your home is your refuge even while you’re rehabbing your heart out to make it the haven of your dreams will make the DIY rehab project that much more fulfilling.
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