Let’s face it. We in the Los Alamos Community LOVE our dogs! Everywhere you go in town you see people walking, running, and playing with their dogs. We’ve got a very accepting attitude toward emotional support dogs, therapy dogs, and dog training. And when dogs are present in the home, they are a HUGE part of the family!
Given the limited yard space in most Los Alamos dwellings, here are a few ways to maximize your yard space for your pet. Of course, the larger the dog, the less you have in options for modular play yards. But take a look at these ideas and see which might apply to you and your canine companions.
The Dog Run
When it comes to dog runs there are plenty of options to choose from. If you’re ready to make a permanent spot in your yard, then a traditional chain link or metal fenced run can be purchased at stores like Tractor Supply. You can even order some of these online at places like Chewy.com and have them delivered to your door!

But here in Los Alamos, yard size isn’t the only pressing issue when it comes to Fido’s play area. We’ve got strange terrain, odd dimensions, and the need for outdoor living space for humans to consider. With this in mind, there are some interesting alternatives to the permanently placed dog run.
White Picket Fence

Interestingly enough, these sections of fence can be purchased at many outdoor emporium or home improvement stores with a no dig installation option. The fence sections include long metal stakes which can be driven into the terrain. This makes the picket fence not only perfect for bizarre terrain issues like hills, but also moveable. If Fido has worn down the weeds in one section of the yard, why not let him play in another area and stomp those weed to oblivion too? Or the reverse, if you have grass. You can move this dog pen periodically to keep your pet from wearing out the grass.
Modular Puppy Pens
If you’re not keen on storing picket fence panels when they aren’t in use, you might check into one of the multiple options for moveable “dog corrals”. These sections of fence can be purchased from multiple online and in store outlets and can be expanded if you buy more than one set almost like a video game expansion pack for your dog run. The good news about these is that they tend to fold up for storage. The less than good news is that they really aren’t appropriate for dogs over about 45 to 50 lbs. So if you’ve got an 85 lb pet, make sure your animal is content to hang out and nap in a shady spot and isn’t determined to leap your enclosure in a single bound.
Chain Gang Pup
Remember when homes had clotheslines strung from pole to pole in the yard and Dad’s undershorts were flapping in the breeze? Now imagine a single line much like a clothesline with what amounts to a dog leash zipline whipping back and forth while your critter runs laps to his doggy heart’s content. Yes. This is a thing! In fact, if you shop around online for aerial dog runs, you can find DIY ideas that will blow your mind and make your strange backyard terrain a non issue.
Dog Turf
A constant issue here in the high arid desert of Los Alamos is topsoil and growing or maintaining grass. When it comes to trying to get grass to grow in an animal enclosure like a dog pen, you’re likely to be doubly frustrated.

Specially manufactured pet grass could be the answer to your mud and flat dirt backyard problems. Artificial K-9 turf is created to withstand the wear and tear of your pet tromping and rolling on it. It also makes a soft carpet for Fido to lounge on. It can be hosed down and raked to keep it clean and free of biological debris, and it doesn’t bleach out when your dog wees in the same spot for weeks on end. Check out this short video on doggy turf if you want more information on this interesting notion.
Less In – Less Out
The topic of dog nutrition is a hot one these days. But let’s think about this logically. Unless you’re living in one of the few older areas of town with large lots, you’re probably trying to maximize your backyard space for kids, dogs, adults, barbeques, picnics, and the family trampoline all at once! This means that Fido’s bathroom habits are pretty much everyone’s problem. What you feed your dog can matter a lot to those bathroom habits. If the kibble you feed Fido has lots of grain filler and cereal or fibers, it’s not that easy for him to digest. Sure. He feels full after dinner, but he’s probably not digesting half of what he eats. It’s out in your backyard or on your kids’ shoes.
Feeding a quality dry kibble that meets Fido’s nutritional needs can allow you to feed less and have less waste on the – ahem – back end. This means you can designate a minimal area of your yard for Fido to call his very own, and utilize the rest for family activities. Then Fido can be out and about when you guys are all having a fun party together! Win Win!
At the end of the day, whether you choose to utilize fake grass, picket fencing, chain link, or give Fido the entire property for his playtime, don’t forget to enjoy dog ownership in our unique community! Get out to the dog parks! Walk your pet or go hiking on one of our pet friendly trails, and if you’re buying or selling your home here in Los Alamos, come and have a chat with me! I’m your hometown real estate expert!
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