There’s no doubt that we’ve all experienced that down and out feeling. It could be a natural disaster like a fire or a flood. Maybe it’s a financial disaster such as property theft or loss of a job. Loss comes in many different forms. The key to surviving loss is having a support network to help connect you to the right resources when you need them.

The key to surviving these challenges in life is support. A helping hand. A listening ear. Someone who can hear your story, nod their head, and then say, “I know exactly who to call”. Since 1969, the non-profit Self Help Inc has been doing just that.

Located in Los Alamos County and based out of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Self Help Inc offers consultation, advocacy, emergency financial assistance, and seed money grants to Northern New Mexico individuals, families, and businesses. Their goal is to empower others to get back on their feet and become self sustaining and independent. It’s an important mission that takes on all new meaning as this year’s record breaking Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon fire impacts our neighboring communities in Northern New Mexico.

While Self Help Inc primarily helps those in Los Alamos, Taos, Rio Arriba, and Northern Santa Fe County, they have also made a positive impact on other rural communities north of the Santa Fe City line. Their model of helping others focuses on three things, Emergency Financial Assistance, Seed Money Grants, and Resources.

Emergency Relief

Most of us have experienced that moment of fear and utter hopelessness that comes with a financial situation we simply cannot handle. A sudden illness that leaves us unable to pay our rent or mortgage. The car breaking down when we have no money for repairs and desperately need it for day to day transportation. The list goes on and on. Whether it’s help with utility bills in the middle of winter or groceries in a crisis, Self Help Inc has a solution to offer.

Part of their success in helping individuals and families in crisis has come from their creativity. Money isn’t always the answer. Perhaps an individual just got the new job of their dreams, but doesn’t have enough ready cash to purchase clothes or the necessary uniform to get them through their first paycheck. In that case, a few pairs of scrubs could be the answer to everything!

If you know someone in crisis or have experienced an emergency crisis yourself, the key to reaching out for the helping hand. It’s the hardest step and Self Help Inc has tried to make this as easy and painless as possible. Simply fill out their contact form HERE, and one of their experience staff members will reach out to YOU.

Seed Money Grants

This may be an unfamiliar phrase, but the meaning is pretty darned cool. Seed Money is used to give potential businesses a boost! Perhaps a talented photographer who wants to start a professional business but can’t quite afford all of the equipment necessary. Maybe you’d like to start a business and you’ve got everything ready to go but can’t afford the licensing fees. Seed Money is exactly what it sounds like. The seeds that help to grow your business into a self sustaining, contributing member of the community landscape!

One of the recent businesses helped by Self Help Inc was Muy Salsas in Los Alamos. I think we should all make a donation of gratitude to Self Help Inc in honor of Taco Tuesdays!


When you feel overwhelmed by circumstance, sometimes the only thing you need is a listening ear and someone to help you decide what the next step is. In the last few years, Self Help Inc has been doing their best to make as many network connections all over Northern New Mexico as they can. These connections enable them to know exactly who to put YOU in touch with when you’re facing a problem and you don’t know what to do. The amazing thing is how much comfort you can get from someone listening to your story and then offering reassurance that this isn’t the first time they’ve known someone facing your situation. It’s comforting to have someone identify possible next steps, and then name resources to help you make those steps happen. So many of us could keep moving forward in life if we only knew what direction to take!

Helping Self Help Inc

In this day and age it’s difficult to know how best to help your community and your world. You can hit any social media platform and be offered thousands of “buttons” that give you the opportunity to donate money to a worthy cause. Whether you’d like to give your time or you want to donate cash, the coolest thing about partnering with Self Help Inc is that your contribution, whether it’s labor or money, is being automatically diversified. Self Help Inc partners with the United Way of New Mexico and more community foundations than I can name off. For a peek at their partners, click on this link. Maybe the most important piece is that supporting Self Help Inc allows you to support our community.

So when you’re ready to help out in Los Alamos, check out Self Help Inc. And when you’re ready to buy and sell real estate in Los Alamos, call me! I love to talk anything Los Alamos and I’m your hometown real estate broker!