Last week we talked about Los Alamos Family Council and the many services they offer to the community, most of them at low cost or even no cost. This week, I want to dig a little deeper and feature two non-profit organizations that are absolutely dedicated to strengthening families from the ground up.

First Born

As you might expect from the name, First Born is an organization that helps first time parents get a grip on the parenting experience. Kids don’t come with an instruction manual and goodness knows it can be difficult to cope when you were already juggling a life packed with responsibilities and commitments even before you added your bundle of joy!

First Born specializes in home visits beginning during the prenatal time to help moms and dads get ready for the big event. Typically, a home visitor will remain attached to the family for a period of up to three years after birth. Imagine having Google Answers – Baby Edition right there in your living room each week! Talk about an invaluable service! Not only are home visitors available, but First Born provides lactation counselors at no charge for those who have questions or concerns about breastfeeding.

If the organization has the resources, they also work with families who are new (again) to parenting simply because a good chunk of time has passed between their current youngest and their current pregnancy. Or, perhaps one of you has gone through the parenting process before, but one of you hasn’t. Or, maybe you’re trying to breastfeed for the first time and need some extra help.

Pretty much, if your family needs a bit of extra support, First Born will try to lend a helping hand. It’s what they’ve been doing since the organization first kicked off in Silver City, NM in 1997. Since then, they’ve opened offices and offered support in 15 different counties here in New Mexico. The mission of First Born is to encourage relationship building within families through curriculum based early intervention models in an effort to strengthen families and empower parents to raise healthy, happy kids. It’s an awesome organization and if you know anyone who is starting or growing their family, you should absolutely get them connected to our local chapter!

Family Strengths Network

If your kiddos have already made it past toddlerhood and into that rather long stretch of childhood, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Family Strengths Network has you covered. Their mission statement is as follows: “Through our work, Family Strengths Network improves the quality of family life for generations. FSN provides educational and fun activities to all types of families, parents, teens, and children. FSN: Empowering Families, Building Community.”

Empowering Families, Building Community

From Saturday activities for special needs children to teen groups focused on communication skills, Family Strengths Network is all about just that. Strengthening Family. They even have a lending library with hundreds of books about topics near and dear to the parents’ heart. The organization also offers parenting classes and social groups to help moms connect.

If you’re looking for an activity to get your kids active again, check out the FSN website. They’ve got classes for all ages as well as cool activities for the whole family to enjoy. As advocates for early intervention, they have a strong focus on empowering families to understand human growth and development in a way that helps them guide their children through the milestones of life. With access to other local resource networks such as Los Cumbres and even First Born, FSN is committed to putting you and your family on the right track to a healthy, happy, and productive life!

So don’t forget to check out these two great organizations here in Los Alamos! Our community is always growing and always looking for ways to support one another. If you’re ready to be a part of Life in Los Alamos, give me a call! I’m always happy to talk about my hometown!