I believe that I’ve been aware to some degree of the Big House as part of the Ranch School’s history. For many folks who grow up here and often take a lot of the history stuff for granted, it’s easy to believe that somehow the Big House became Fuller Lodge. However, it may surprise some or most of you to discover that the Big House actually morphed into the Post Office. With some significant changes going on in between, of course!

When the Los Alamos Ranch School was moved out to allow the Manhattan Project to move in, the Big House was acquired along with the Master Cottages, Guest Cottage, outbuildings, Ashley Pond, livestock, farm equipment, and everything else needed to run a ranch or a ranch school, although not so much a scientific facility!

Because of the lack of space in the early years of the Manhattan Project, the Big House actually saw quite a lot of historic action. It was the only building with a space to hold scientific staff meetings. Robert Serber first briefed the early project members on the basics of nuclear weapons in the reading room of the Big House. At one point in a lecture, Serber used the word “bomb”. Only a moment later, a handwritten note from John Manley suggested a substitute word. From that time on, the device became known as the “gadget”.

Eventually, the Big House became housing for unmarried staff members and guests. Sleeping quarters were the main need at the time, so the Big House was modified and the bathtubs were removed. Bathrooms and beds were numbered. Lodgers at the Big House would be given a bed and bathroom assignment. These periodic guests read like the who’s who of science at the time. Otto Frisch, Johnny von Neumman, Richard Feynman, and Klaus Fuchs were some of the important minds to enjoy a stay at the Big House.

The ranch school’s beautiful common room dominated by the central fireplace became a popular hangout after working hours. The post chaplain had an office on the first floor and a matron headed up the whole operation. The ranch school’s library became the public lending library complete with books stamped U.S.E.D (This stood for United States Engineering Detachment which is quite hilarious if you think about it!). There was a pool table, a ping pong table, couches, chairs, and games.

The Big House continued to host visitors and guests to Los Alamos until it became certain that Los Alamos was going to be a permanent place. The Big House was only a short distance from Fuller Lodge, but it wasn’t in such great shape by the post war years. According to the AEC records at that time, the Big House was being slowly destroyed by termites and was a fire trap to anyone who stayed there. The residents of Los Alamos were opposed to the demolition of the old building.But in the end, a project to construct a modern “shopping center” in Los Alamos required the use of the land where the Big House sat.

In the spring of 1948, The Big House was razed in order to make way for Central Park Square. The former site of the tennis courts and athletic fields of the Ranch School became our Post Office, Small Business Center, and now what is essentially the location of our local nightlife.

I think it’s still a bit sad that the Big House had such a large part of our history and didn’t manage to hang on long enough to become part of our current downtown historic district. But, it’s certainly true that our Post Office and Central Park Square are a huge part of what we consider Downtown Los Alamos. And that wonderful Central Avenue district is where Trick or Treat Main Street and Los Alamos Halloweekend will be happening next month!

When you’re ready to talk about real estate in Los Alamos, give me a call! I’m a Los Alamos girl with a longtime interest in Los Alamos History and Housing. I’d love to talk to you about your home!