There is no doubt that the process of selling a house has changed here in Los Alamos. The number of days a house spends on the market has decreased drastically and in some price ranges it is almost nonexistent! But a “seller’s market” doesn’t necessarily mean “as is”.

Curb Appeal

These two words can mean so very much when it comes to selling your home. If your house has far more “curb” than “appeal”, you might look back to this post from last year to get ideas for making your home stand out. If you’re getting ready to sell and just want to put your best foot forward, this post is for you!

If you’re selling a home here is Los Alamos, it’s very likely that your house is going to sell. That means the devil is in the details. As a seller, you want to make your home as inviting as possible to every person who gets out of the car to come look at it. We all know Los Alamos is a unique place. The homes here can be as varied and unusual as it gets. While that’s really a part of the charm, it can also be jarring to those moving to our area from out of town. That means we need to welcome them as much as possible.

I’d start with these three things:

The Yard

Take a long, hard look at your yard and be honest with yourself. Are there bits and pieces of your home improvement projects hanging around? Car parts? A zoo like assortment of yard ornaments? Remember that you’re selling your home. Pack those things and put them out of sight. You’re moving. Might as well go ahead and get started on the process. Neat. Welcoming. Spacious. Those are the three words that need to describe your yard no matter what it normally looks like. If you have a lack of grass (because we live in a desert), then make sure there are no leaves gathered beside your bushes or littering your rock beds. And let’s talk about the bushes. Please trim them. Allowing the juniper to eat the future buyers on their way to the door is a bad idea!

The Front Door

Let’s be honest. How often do we actually look at our front door? Is it dirty, faded, paint chipping or door knob or knocker falling off? Does the knob work? If there is a “trick” to getting your door to unlock, get that fixed. A fresh coat of paint, (Metzger’s has tons of options) a new knocker, or a knob or latch and you’re set. Let’s face it. There is no doubt that a stranger will walk through your home and make a mental list of things that need some changing. Do not let that list start at the front door.

The Doorbell

Which brings me to the last item on every Realtor’s list. The doorbell. If it has multiple settings, then choose the most doorbell sounding option please. Don’t let your doorbell serenade future buyers with Brahm’s Lullaby. It’s just not in your best interest. And if it doesn’t work? That’s a big problem! And please don’t think the doorbell won’t get used. Any Realtor who walks up to your front door with their clients is going to push the doorbell, because they need to make sure you’re not in the house when they enter. I never want to walk-in on a homeowner by accident! The same goes for cracked or broken doorbell buttons. There are plenty of options these days to fix that issue that don’t even require electrical intervention. Bring your doorbell and your home into the modern age and welcome future buyers in the best way possible.

Now, this will help you put your best foot forward. If you have additional ideas for making a home as welcoming as possible, I’d love to hear them. Just add them in the comments below or feel free to drop a line on my Facebook Wall. And don’t forget. If you’re buying or selling in Los Alamos, give me a ring!