Take A Peek At Los Alamos, New Mexico

Month: March 2021

Who Was Peggy Sue?

If you grew up in Los Alamos, there is a pretty strong chance you’ve heard one or two stories about Peggy Sue Bridge. As if our fair city on the hill doesn’t have enough strange origin stories about people, places, and things, we can also lay claim to a bona fide urban legend. An urban legend so typical of urban legends that “the story” has landed on an independent blog site claiming to record “haunted” places all over the United States and made #6 on a Hidden Haunted Places of NM list. Peggy Sue Bridge will also pop up on Pinterest as a haunted hotspot.

screenshot courtesy of hauntedplacesofusa.blogspot

I have to say, I don’t recall feeling any ghostly hands trying to shove me into Acid Canyon during high school. Now. Let’s get some perspective on this old tale of woe as debunked in Craig Martin’s book, Los Alamos Place Names. First? The bridge was never actually meant for foot traffic. Yes. Prior to its removal in 1997, the “bridge” did span Acid Canyon from the townsite to Orange Street. However, it was only there because of a gas line. Zia Company built the bridge as a way to hold the line in place over the canyon. (Uh oh! Did I ruin that for you?)

Another urban myth about the identity of Peggy Sue suggests she was a young girl on a tricycle who was unfortunate enough to fall off the bridge. This story began in the 50’s and has various versions depending on the level of embellishment.

Taking another turn, certain versions of the tale have an unknown Zia company construction worker who – for any number of reasons – decided to paint his daughter’s name on the bridge supports. There’s even a version of the story that suggests this little girl met Buddy Holly and inspired the song, Peggy Sue!

The credit for solving the mystery of Peggy Sue goes to Los Alamos resident, Susan Yankovic. During the creation of a public access television special in 1997 prior to the bridge’s removal, she tracked down the origin of the Peggy Sue Legend.

Evidently in 1951, Jerry Rutledge convinced his friend Lennis Taylor to help him paint a girl’s name on one of the bridge supports to impress her with his teenaged devotion. Along with their buddy, Raymond Trujillo, they climbed the bridge supports and slapped some red paint on the bridge in an effort to convince Peggy Sue Cameron the Jerry was just over the moon about her. In a strange twist of events, Susan Yankovic discovered that there was another name painted on the bridge on that day in 1951. Raymond Trujillo decided this was a perfect time to let “Lorraine” know he thought she was the bee’s knees. Funny how nobody remembers poor Lorraine. One might wonder if the name Peggy Sue is just too catchy to let go of. Goodness knows it worked for Buddy Holly!

In any case, as the story goes, the romance of Jerry and Peggy Sue only lasted a few months. Jerry went into the Navy after he left school. Twenty years later when he returned to Los Alamos to visit his then teenaged son, he was flabbergasted when the lad offered to take him to see “Peggy Sue Bridge”. Jerry hadn’t had a clue that his romantic exploits had spawned an urban legend!

Whether you want to talk urban legends, the best trails, or local lore, I’m your girl! I love life in Los Alamos and I’d love to help you in your search for a place to call home in this unique community. Give me a ring and let’s chat!

Swim Los Alamos!

Not only do residents of Los Alamos have an ice rink and a ski mountain nearby in winter, we have the Sportsman’s Club for shooting sports, the North Mesa Stables for equestrian pursuits, bike trails, hiking trails, dog parks, and summers filled with trips to one of our many outdoor pools. And don’t forget. If you’re a die hard swimmer, we’ve got you covered. Our indoor Aquatic Center boasts an Olympic sized pool with lane swimming, lessons, and a therapy pool for year round fun in the water.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to get acquainted with one of the local pool organizations here in Los Alamos County, let me give you some quick information and show you where you can check them out online.

Private Pool Associations

Barranca Mesa Pool has been around since 1969 when a group of water sport loving residents of the new Barranca Mesa subdivisions decided to undertake this labor of love. The pool itself was built on a bit of land leased from the Los Alamos Public Schools directly next to Barranca Mesa Elementary School. The original lease period was for fifty years, but the Barranca Mesa Pool is still going strong. The C shaped pool boasts lane swimming, a 12 ft section perfect for diving, and a 2 & 3 ft area for budding swimmers. There is also a separate wading pool. Getting a membership to the pool involves a “buy in” cost, plus the yearly fee. But if you contact the pool via the information on their website, it could be possible to lease a membership from another family and avoid some of the up front costs while enjoying the benefit of membership for the season.

East Park Pool is located near the Eastern Area right next to the building that houses Anytime Fitness. East Park is across the street and the pool has near access to the Canyon Rim Trail should you decide you’d like to jog before a nice cool swim. The East Park Pool Association has a reduced fee for single memberships. Just to sweeten the pot, they offer a babysitting service. For a monthly fee, members can utilize this helpful option which could be a lifesaver for moms looking for a chance to lane swim. Another bonus of East Park Pool is the choice to pay with Paypal. Check out their membership page for more information.

Mesa Meadow Pool is considered top secret. Why wouldn’t there be a secret pool in a town like Los Alamos? Actually, the secret isn’t secret. The association just values its privacy. If you drive to the end of 42nd Street in Western Area you will likely see the tennis courts first. To the left tucked into the trees is a small bathhouse and a pool with three lanes. The pool isn’t large at all, about the size of many subdivision pools scattered across the US. The purpose leans more toward lane swimming than family fun days. If you’re a hard core lane swimmer living in the Western Area and you’d love to connect with others like you, you might try this contact information to get involved.

Canyon Vista Pool Association serves the White Rock area with a handy location on Aragon Ave right between Donna and Kilby Avenues. Canyon Vista Pool is scheduled to open on May 29, 2021 which is fantastic news as it shows we are really moving toward being able to enjoy our favorite activities once again. Their website suggests there are likely a few memberships available for purchase or lease. Canyon Vista is a popular summer hangout for families. Memberships are sometimes advertised for lease or sale on Facebook so get out there and network to plan some fun for summer 2021!

Pinon Park Pool Association is located on Bryce Avenue not far from the Bryce Ave, Rover Blvd intersection. The pool has been serving White Rock for over fifty years! It sits pretty far back off the road, which really speaks to the general atmosphere of the pool. The staff at Pinon Park hope to offer their members fewer crowds, more space to lounge and relax, and enough quiet to enjoy good conversations with friends. If you really want to be part of the fabric at Pinon Park, you might consider joining the board. Their board privileges are pretty darned attractive and it could be a fantastic way to get involved in your local White Rock community.

Swimming Lessons!

Now, you can sign up and pay for summer swimming lessons from any pool association once you’re a member. But if you’re into year round immersion in swimming you might want to look into the Larry R Walkup Aquatic Center.

In the past, residents have referred to the Aquatic Center as everything from the Walkup Center to The Blue Whale. (The original roof was blue.) Now it is officially the Los Alamos County Aquatic Center. However, the incredible facility now undergoing expansion was the brainchild of Vietnam Veteran and former Green Beret, Larry R Walkup. Walkup served as the director of Los Alamos Parks & Recreation in 1984. He was instrumental in the planning and development of multiple outdoor facilities, but the need for an indoor pool was high on his list and in 1986 construction started on the Aquatic Center. The facility was named for Mr. Walkup after he died of a heart condition in November of 1986. The county council voted to memorialize Larry R Walkup’s contribution to the Los Alamos landscape more than eighteen months before the facility was completed in 1988.

The Aquatic Center

Offering a year round program of swimming lessons, lane swimming, and the popular therapy pool, the Aquatic Center is also the headquarters for the Los Alamos Parks, Recreation, & Open Spaces office. Passes and memberships to the Aquatic Center are available year round. Another popular feature is the Dive In Movie. An opportunity for families to lounge or swim in the pool while they watch a classic family friendly film projected on the wall. Lane swimming is currently available by appointment. Contact the Aquatic Center at (505) 662-8170 to schedule your slot or to ask about swimming lessons. You can also find more information online at the Los Alamos County website. The Aquatic Center is also the home of the Los Alamos Swim Teams. If you really want to improve your fitness, keep in mind that the US Olympic Swim Team is known to pop in for workouts (in non Covid years of course!) in order to increase their fitness level. Olympic size pool, 7240 ft elevation, it is currently the highest 50m pool in operation in the United States. Just another crazy amazing benefit of living in Los Alamos!

So whether you’re looking for a bit of summer sun by the pool or a way to fill that year round desire for swimming, Los Alamos County has you covered! And when you’re ready to become a resident, give me a call. I’d love to talk about life in Los Alamos with you.

Welcome to Shangri-La

It’s spring! Not just spring, but Spring 2021. Okay. So it’s not officially spring, but it’s certainly time to get outside and enjoy the benefits of being in Los Alamos. When the Laboratory was first established back in the 1940’s, residents of the “Secret City on the Hill” used to refer to Los Alamos as Shangri-La. References to the city of Shangri-La portrayed in the book Lost Horizon by James Hilton were sarcastic at best. The irony being that we indeed live in a city perched atop a hill that was so secret in the early days that nobody was actually allowed to speak the name out loud. Still, while the original reference to Shangri-La was sarcastic, I like to imagine the positivity in that comparison.

Beautiful. Private. Safe. And let’s be honest with ourselves here. We have access to some of the most incredible outdoor spaces around just by taking a stroll to the end of the street. Of course, in spring we have some crazy windy days. But these two outings are still a lot of fun.

Deer Trap Mesa

If you haven’t checked this one out, you really should! The trail head is accessed at the very end of Barranca Road where it meets up with Navajo Road. There are plenty of historical signs detailing the various homesteaders that first settled the mesa, but the most interesting part of this hike dates back much farther than homesteaders.

At the end of the ridge in a gap between narrow rocky formations, ancient Pueblo Hunters dug a game pit into the ground. This pit was likely around ten feet deep when it was still in use. Today it is so filled with rocks and dirt that Average Joe could easily climb in and out with a little assistance from friends. Still, it’s amazing to walk in the footsteps of the people who called this place home over a hundred years ago. They called the spot navawi’i “pitfall gap” in Tewa. The mesa itself was called navakwage or “pitfall mesa”.

Now. It should be mentioned that if there is still a lot of ice and snow packed into the rocks, hikers need to be very careful with the steeper portions of Deer Trap Mesa. No need to chance a fall into that deer trap! But the views from the top of the mesas are truly something to behold. Don’t forget to bring your phone for an excellent selfie op!

Acid Canyon

The Acid Canyon Loop is accessed from the Larry R Walkup Center. The loop itself is less than a mile and is partly located on a trail first used by the Ranch School in the 1920’s, which is pretty darned awesome to think about. Yes. The name tends to put people off. Why on earth would you call something Acid Canyon? In the beginning, it was pretty much intended to keep people away.

The canyon was first used by the Laboratory because all of the waste water conduits from TA-1 were gathered into one pipe and sent down through this canyon. The canyon was obviously off limits at that time, but since those days it has been cleaned up and re-designated for public use. The last cleanup efforts happened in 2001 with an eye to bringing things up to modern standards. If you’re interested in that, check out this interesting online resource.

Eventually, the Acid Canyon Loop winds around to Kinnikinnick Park. The park was originally suggested as a wildflower preserve. The trails and footbridges were part of Howard Pack’s Eagle Scout project in 1995. The park’s dedication took place on Earth Day in that same year when Los Alamos had one of our typical late spring snow storms. The name Kinnikinnick itself was Sarah Legare’s winning submission picked from a bevy of entries into a naming contest held by the parks department.

So get outside and enjoy our little slice of Shangri-La! And if you’re ready to get outside and shop for your dream home in Los Alamos, give me a call. I’d love to talk living and life in Los Alamos.

The Myth of 37th Street & Other Tales

If you live in Los Alamos for very long… No. That’s not quite right. If you are IN Los Alamos for very long, you’re likely to notice that navigating the streets here isn’t like navigating anywhere else. Not that Los Alamos has super narrow streets like Boston or steep streets like San Francisco. Nope! Our streets are something else altogether and the story of that begins WAY back at the beginning. Yes. THE beginning. Back when Project Y was a secret and the roads were nothing but muddy tracks between buildings. Back in 1942 when the government decided the Ranch School was the perfect place for the Secret City on the Hill.

Meandering Streets with Buildings Set at an Angle

You know what I’m talking about! A tour around the residential streets of Los Alamos can feel just like a Sunday drive. There was no doubt in the beginning that Los Alamos was a “company town”. But there was a big push from the Atomic Energy Commission to make Los Alamos look like something else. This is why developers were asked to preserve as many of the trees as they could. Houses were set at various angles to the street to keep them from looking like orderly rows of Army tents in a military camp. Each dwelling included a yard and residents were urged to keep them green. Sure. It’s impossible today, but back then residents of the government owned housing weren’t charged for water to encourage them to water their grass.

The Myth of 37th Street

The southern end of 37th Street is a short street that connects Trinity Drive to Gold Street. Then it stops and picks up again on the other side of Acid Canyon in the Denver Steels area before hopping across Pueblo Canyon and continuing through North Community. Now. The myth comes in when or if you’ve ever been told that the reason 37th Street is in three distinct pieces is because some poor engineer sat in his office back in Washington D.C. and laid out the streets of Los Alamos without actually seeing the terrain. This myth is just that. A myth!

The truth was that the neighborhoods of Los Alamos were laid out in sections. The grid pattern was laid out in a manner that avoided the canyons, but the neighborhoods weren’t built at the same time. The three sections of 37th Street were part of three different periods of residential growth. And with military precision, the numbered streets were continued regardless of the canyons that might be “in the way”.

Names and Numbers that Aren’t Actually Random

The layout of Los Alamos was actually inspired by William Penn’s layout of Philadelphia. The north/south streets are numbered and east/west streets are lettered. This concept of uniformity was continued into the privatized neighborhoods of Barranca Mesa subdivisions #1, #2, #3 in the 1950’s without the numbers, but following a strict alphabetic pattern. Andanada, Barranca, Chamisa, Dos Brazos, El Viento, etc.

You might find it interesting to note that in the Group 12 neighborhood of modern day Alabama, Arizona, and Arkansas, the military deliberately used state names that began with A, but omitted Alaska because Alaska wasn’t a state in the early 1950’s when the streets were named.

In a good number of the privately developed neighborhoods in and around Los Alamos and White Rock the streets have names that follow a theme. Indian tribes, local animals and vegetation top the list. But in White Rock many of the streets were named for relatives and friends of the developers. Of course, there were certain interesting quirks attached to those as well. For example. Civil engineer and early developer of White Rock, John Mendius, named Catherine and Louise Avenues and Richard Court for three of his four children. Not that he intentionally left out his daughter Karen. But the land where the original Karen Avenue should have been, was purchased by a church and the street never happened. Mendius corrected his oversight in the 80’s when he developed Karen Circle on the other side of White Rock. Better late than never, right?

So the next time you cruise down the residential streets of Los Alamos, appreciate the unique flavor of this very special city. The navigational weirdness is actually an important part of our history. And if you’re ready to find your dream home in Los Alamos, give me a call. I’d love to show you around!

Chick, Chick, Chick!

In 2020 we saw the rise of chickens as more than just a popular backyard pet. When eggs were next to impossible to find, the value of laying hens skyrocketed and suddenly urbanites everywhere were carving out room in their backyards for these fascinating creatures who might as well have been laying golden eggs.

If you want to add chickens to YOUR urban landscape here in Los Alamos County, here are a few things to keep in mind.

The Coop

Here in Los Alamos County we are allowed to have up to 10 birds on our property. Now. Keep in mind that there are a few rules in place that govern how many birds you can actually house in your backyard.

According to LA County Code 6.2, there must be at least 10 sq ft of space in your backyard per chicken. In addition, you must have 2 sq ft of shelter space available again, per chicken. This means if you’ve got a pretty small lot, you’re not likely to have enough of what the county calls permeable land for ten chickens. Permeable land refers to the land’s ability to support a chicken’s instinctual need to forage. That’s all the scratching and pecking. They can’t live a healthy existence on xeriscaped rock, cement, or flagstone. You need grass, dirt, weeds, or even mulch. That means if you wanted to have ten birds, you need to have 100 sq ft of permeable land available for your birds to roam and a chicken coop that’s at least 20 sq ft.

In addition to restrictions on space, the county ordinance requires chickens to be kept in an area where they have access to sunlight during daylight hours. At night they must be kept inside a containment area that protects them from roaming animals. Keep in mind that if you don’t have a livestock guardian type of dog on duty 24/7, you’re likely to have coyotes sniffing around your property at night. Coyotes seem to enjoy taunting chickens and will happily steal your entire flock if given the opportunity. This doesn’t mean you can’t keep your birds safe. You just have to evaluate your shelter from the perspective of outsmarting Brother Coyote.

The Birds

While it’s possible to keep a huge variety of birds on your property here in Los Alamos, if you’re a first time bird keeping you might want to keep it simple. Ducks and Geese require a little more in the way of planning when it comes to housing. We live in a desert after all, and ducks are water fowl. If you’re not ready to landscape a pond into your backyard, you might want to stick to chickens.

If you’re feeling super ambitious you can try incubating eggs and hatching your own chicks. If you’re like most people, you’d rather get live chicks and brood them yourself. It’s possible to purchase mature laying hens as well. You can actually try Craig’s List for that.

I’m sure you’ve all seen the cute chicks available at stores like Tractor Supply or Big R. While they do tend to be inexpensive, I highly suggest going through a reputable hatchery such as Privett Hatchery in Portales, NM. Hatcheries provide high quality birds and can tell you the sex of your birds with scary accuracy considering the fact that many males and females look identical at that age. This is very important because here in Los Alamos we are NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE ROOSTERS. Unless you’ve got a lot at the North Mesa Stables or you live in Pajarito Acres or La Senda, you need hens. Plus, a hatchery goes through a rigorous health screening process with their adult birds that eliminates many of the issues with things like salmonella.

It’s often tempting to get a variety of birds. Chickens come in crazy combinations of colors and plumage. If you’re just starting out, you might want to try getting just a few chicks of a particular breed depending on what you want your chickens for. If you’re looking for excellent layers who are also easy keepers, you might try the Golden Comet, also known as the Golden Sex Link (don’t laugh, it’s a thing!). If you’re looking for a meat bird who is also a good layer, you could try an Orpington. Do your research and don’t be afraid to Google your eyes out.

What to Expect

Chickens mature very quickly. Hens under one year of age are called pullets. You’ll sometimes see them listed for sale. Pullets aren’t layers just yet. If they do lay eggs they’re typically quite small and are called “pullet eggs”. Different breeds begin laying at different times. But don’t worry! Most chickens start laying eggs between 16 and 24 wks old and continue laying for several years. As they age, the eggs become less frequent. Egg cycles are also governed by the length of the days. If you want to increase your egg yield during the winter months, you can add a light and a timer to the inside of your coop. However, keep in mind that some sources suggest the seasonal rest cycle is a necessary and healthy part of life for hens.

Typical hens lay a single egg every 22 hours or so. It doesn’t sound like a lot. And maybe if you have a teenage boy in your house who goes through a dozen eggs per day, it’s NOT a lot. However, the average family can do quite well and have plenty of eggs with six laying hens. Six eggs per day. 42 per week. That’s a lotta eggs!

Chickens – especially hand raised chickens – are quite friendly and can be more than just egg machines. They have personalities and quirks and will quickly come to recognize anyone who habitually brings them a nibble of something special. They’re intelligent, tough, and hardworking members of any urban family. With a 5-10 year lifespan that leans more toward the 5 year mark, they’re not going to be your longest lived pet. But they do provide a wonderful lesson to the kiddos about animal husbandry and even economics.

Don’t be afraid to dig in and get some chicks this spring! And if you’re looking for a backyard where you can build your coop and your urban farm, give me a call! I’d love to help you find the perfect place in Los Alamos to call home.